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Agenda item

Street Market update

(To receive a verbal update from the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration)


The Chair reminded members that a written report had been received by this Committee at its meeting in August and following that had requested that the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration attend a future meeting to respond to questions from the Committee.


The Head of Economic Development reported that the Tamworth Street Market was put out to tender in early 2021, and the contract was awarded for a five year term in June 2021 to LSD Promotions and since then LSD had made a number of changes to grow and change the market to attract a wider demographic to the market.


Clarifications were sought on the following areas:

1.    Whether LSD Promotions were meeting the broader contractual obligations, for example to provide events, where it was reported that there were some areas where performance needed to be examined in more detail, however there were areas where performance was going well, for example, in terms of food festivals delivered.

2.    Future changes to the town centre and the utilisation of St Editha’s Square for market trading and whether there would be more space for the market following Middle Entry redevelopment.  In respect of which the Head of Economic Development understood that future plans for St Editha’s could facilitate more market stalls, as well as some space near Middle Entry.

3.    How and when the contract would be reviewed where the Head of Economic Development reported that there was continuous review following the start of the new contract in summer 2021 and would expect to see a strong narrative within 18 months to two years.

4.    How were the three monthly meetings with the contractor progressing and whether these were fruitful, where the Officer responded that these had helped the Council’s understanding of the market and improved relationships with the market and the market operator.

5.    Whether there was planned to be any review of the street market strategy which had been developed pre-COVID, followed by the letting of the market operator contract during COVID, if there was considered to be a risk that the strategy did not reflect the current post-COVID position? The Head of Economic Development reported that review was always important and as developments within the town continued this could become clearer.

6.    Whether the removal of the canopy was expected to affect the market footfall, in particular at times of bad weather. It was reported that the removal of the canopy itself was not expected to impact the footfall in the market, given it was an outdoor street market.  All market traders were provided with individual covers for their stalls.

7.    Whether there were any plans to include performance art or music or other imaginative ideas as part of the market offering; both during events and more generally to help attract more people into the town.  It was noted that this was an area which the Head of Economic Regeneration could raise with the market operator.


RESOLVED that the Committee recommend to Cabinet that Cabinet instigate a focussed review of the market strategy as a result of the changes in business conditions.


(Moved by Councillor S Goodall and seconded by Councillor A Cooper)


A proposed amendment to the above motion to include a budget figure was moved, but not seconded and withdrawn by the mover.


The following motion was moved and seconded but withdrawn following debate:


That Corporate Scrutiny request Cabinet to do a deep dive review of the strategy, short and long term for the market, to ensure it is still correct and to undertake that review within a maximum budget of £10,000 (to be found from within budget, or failing that from the revenue contingency budget).


The Chair thanked the Portfolio Holder and Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for their attendance who then left the meeting.