Application no: |
Development: |
Proposed change of use of agricultural grain storage barn and adjacent field for Sui Generis use as events building, fitness classes, dog agility and events field (retrospective).
Location: |
Statfold Barn Farm, Ashby Rd, Tamworth B79 0BU |
Application no: |
Development: |
Proposed change of use of agricultural grain storage barn and adjacent field for Sui Generis use as events building, fitness classes, dog agility and events field (retrospective).
Location: |
Statfold Barn Farm, Ashby Rd, Tamworth B79 0BU
Approval Subject to Conditions & Section 106 Legal Agreement requiring £7,000 for a Travel Plan and associated costs e.g. monitoring
(Moved by Councillor R Ford and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)
Councillor John Wade arrived at the meeting at 18.21 and did not vote on this application |
Conditions |
1. |
The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in accordance with: Plans • Parking Plan 19029-007 Rev C • Visibility Plan CH001 02 Reports • Sountesting Report 15561 Version 1 – Section 9 • JFA Qube Events Field Lighting Assessment • JFA Qube Events Field Flood Risk Assessment • Events Schedule 19029/ES unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority
Reason |
To define the permission
2. |
The types of events, days of the week (weekends and bank holidays) in respect of all uses apart from the dog training use, when the events will be held and the number of days which events in the year should be restricted to those prescribed in the Mr. G LEE Transport Statement Ref. REP/001 Issue 2 September 2021
Reason |
In the interests of highway safety and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF.
3. |
The dog shows/training shall take place only between the hours of 10.00 and 16.00 and between 19.00 and 21.00 Monday-Sunday
Reason |
Reason: To ensure there is not undue pressure on the existing road network that could cause a severe impact and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF
4. |
Within one month of Planning permission being granted, the access arrangements shown on the Existing Site Access Arrangement Drawing (No. CH002 02) shall have been implemented in full in accordance with the said Drawing and retained throughout the life of the development.
Reason |
In the interests of highway safety and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF
5. |
Within one month of Planning permission being granted, the visibility splays shown on Site Access Visibility Splays Drawing (No. CH001 02) shall be provided in accordance with the said Drawing The visibility splays shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions throughout the life of the Development to visibility over a height of 600 mm above the adjacent carriageway level.
Reason |
In the interests of highway safety and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF.
6. |
Within one month of Planning permission being granted, the proposed car parking and circulation system shown on the Site Parking Plan As Existing Drawing (No. 19029-007 Rev. C) shall be sustainably drained, hard surfaced in a bound material and marked out in accordance with the said Drawing.. Thereafter these parking areas shall be retained in accordance with the approved plans for the lifetime of the development
Reason |
In the interests of highway safety and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF.
7. |
Within two months of Planning permission being granted, a Travel Plan (TP) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The TP shall set out proposals (including a timetable) to promote travel by sustainable modes which are acceptable to the LPA. The TP shall be implemented in accordance with the timetable set out in that plan unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA. Reports demonstrating progress in promoting sustainable transport measures shall be submitted annually on each anniversary of the date of the planning consent to the LPA for approval for a period of five years from first occupation of the development permitted by this consent.
Reason |
In the interests of providing sustainable travel and to conform to EN5 and SU2 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF.
8. |
The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) – (Document Ref – 19029-FRA – dated 10 Jan 2022 – amended by J Jacobs) and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA. • That there is to be no permanent change to the vulnerability classification of the proposed development site. • It is to be noted and to be secured by this planning condition that there will be no physical or material changes to the site or buildings within the proposed development site boundary • That there will be no increase in any impermeable areas within the site boundary of the proposed development • That there is an adequate and effective mechanism and plan for the cancellation of any events or activities that may be scheduled in the event of any indication of flooding associated especially with the noted surface water risk area to the east of the site. • That there will be no changes or affects to the existing surface water drainage system, as a result of the development. • That there is an adequate and proportionate risk statement to manage any risks associated with surface water flooding to the site.
Reason |
To reduce the impact of flooding on the proposed development and future occupants, reduce the risk of flooding elsewhere and to conform to policy SU4 of the Tamworth Local Plan and NPPF
9. |
There should not be at any time, the use of demarked lines to separate the track on the right of way reference Tamworth 114. The applicant cannot erect gates or other barriers across the right of way without submission of details approved in writing by the local planning authority.
Reason |
To ensure existing footpaths are well maintained and available for use and to conform to policy EN5 of the Tamworth Local Plan and paragraph 100 of the NPPF.
10. |
The development shall be carried out at all times fully in accordance with the noise levels, on -site live monitoring and the general noise management plan set out in the Noise Impact report by SOUNDTESTING reference 15561 Version 1.
Reason |
In the interests of protecting residential amenity and to conform to policy EN5 of the Tamworth Local Plan and the NPPF.
Supporting documents: