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Agenda item

Update on Nominations Process

To receive a verbal update form the Chair


Councillor R Pritchard presented an update report for the Nominations Scheme requesting the Committee to give consideration to a yearly Civic Pride Award by which all Councillors can each nominate one individual or group that make a  significant contribution to the Community of Tamworth for the award. 


On 4 August 2021 this committee approved an updated process by which nominations for public awards could be made.  This committee clarified the definitions of the award levels so that ‘levels’ of nominations could be made.


We have 4 levels which in summary are:


1.         Public Recognition Award For people/groups/organisations who have done a significant act for the community, achieved a lot for their community or the borough, or have raised the town profile in a positive and lasting way, but their actions falls below those required for other honours."


2.         Freeman of the Borough Awarded to an individual who has given Tamworth a great and/or exceptional service over a significant period of time in a voluntary, professional or philanthropic capacity.


3.         Title of Freedom of the Borough to reflect groups/organisations/businesses that have served Tamworth in a significant and impactful way, military organisations that have significant links to Tamworth, groups/organisations/businesses that are considered part of Tamworth's cultural identity or are beloved of the Tamworth public in a way that they should hold such a prestigious title.


4.         Honorary Alderman/Alderwoman Awarded to former Borough Councillors who have made a positive difference to Tamworth in their role, or who rendered exceptional service to the Borough Council during their term of office. This title is only held while they are not in office i.e., a sitting councillor


This year Cabinet announced that we would be having a new portfolio holder who would be responsible for Engagement, Civic Pride and Pride in Place and in that respect, I would like this committee to consider a further update to that process.


Consideration of – a Civic Pride award – in which  each Ward member would  nominate one  group or individual who have gone above and beyond for the community of Tamworth.  This award would be Ward Member driven and, in that respect, I ask the committee to consider supporting this change.  We would be looking for 1 Nomination from each ward councillor (i.e. 30 nominations).  The nominations will be   sent to the new Portfolio Holder for Engagement, Civic Pride and Pride in Place.


Those 30 nominations will then be invited to an Annual Civic Pride event held at the Assembly Rooms where they will be asked to join all members.  Each nomination will be presented with a Tamworth Borough Council Civic Pride Award.


It is important that this Council does all it can to recognise those individuals or groups to help our communities.  If Covid 19 taught us anything, it was how we all benefitted from groups and individuals within communities who sprang into action in order to help someone or something.  Those people/groups connected us and spurred others on. This council will forever be grateful to them for that.  But it isn’t a one hit wonder we would like to hold this event every year.  No one organisation can do it all, but together we are stronger.


The following motion was moved



That the committee



approved the Annual Civic Pride Award



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor T Clements)