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Agenda item

Question Time:

To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Executive Procedure Rule No. 13


QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC NO. 1 Under Schedule 4, 13, Mr H Loxton asked the Leader of the Council Councillor Jeremy Oates the following Question


Will the leader of the council commit to ensuring the public toilets in the Castle Pleasure Grounds are open every day throughout the year from Easter 2022 onwards, and that when the summer opening hours come to an end any winter hours do not include any days when the toilets are closed completely, and instead are open for a minimum of 6 hours daily?


The Leader Councillor J Oates gave the following answer



The Castle grounds toilets were closed in line with Government restrictions during the pandemic and then reopened with reduced hours to accommodate the cleaning regimes required by ongoing Government guidelines.  The final restrictions were relaxed on the 1st April and officers are currently investigating the impact of the changes together with the Councils Health and Safety advisor who is recommending ongoing robust regular cleaning to the facilities.


Therefore, additional cleansing staff may be required to facilitate this which will be in place shortly. Unfortunately, whilst the Council remains committed to providing increased toilet facilities during the summer months, those toilets can on occasions be rendered inoperable through vandalism or misuse. I can confirm that every effort is being made to return the opening hours to those available pre pandemic and we look forward to welcoming visitors to the Castle Pleasure Grounds for what we hope, will be a summer packed full of activities for everyone


Mr Loxton asked the following Supplementary Question


When the Castle grounds toilets were re furbished in 2019 including the towns first changing places facility it was promised that the seasonal hours would be done away with.  It would provide longer opening hours all year round accessed all day every day at all times of the year and rather than fixed opening hours the toilets would be available remotely controllable to ensure availability meets demand including opening into the evening hours.   You spent a lot of money on the facility and it’s not being used in that way.  I would ask that you put it on your future work plan, commit to discussing at a Council meeting before the summer opening hours comes to an end.  I would like you to clarify that you will discuss it a Council meeting and debate as a full council. 


The Leader Councillor Jeremy Oates gave the following response


In answer to your question the way policy works is through the budget and the policy framework and all councillors are engaged in building this framework and comes to full Council in February each year.  Outside that policy framework we do have some latitude to change things as and when we require.  In terms of the specifics around the toilets we are committed to increasing the provision of toilet facilities, we have had some significant problems with the toilets in the Castle grounds due to vandalism and misuse and to deal with that we have had to change the way we operate.  Our commitment to deliver and what was said at the time will have change based on circumstances, unfortunately we have had to close them during the pandemic and unfortunately we have had to close them due to vandalism and misuse and have to get them repaired. We are committed to increasing the provision of toilets, we are committed to doing the right thing where we can and we are committed to get over the issues we have to.  In terms of all Councillors being involved in the policy framework that happens and that will feed back in February next year. 


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