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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Leader of the Council Councillor Jeremy Oates made the following announcement - Madam Deputy Mayor I would like to announce that this afternoon I accepted an invite to co-sign a letter to the Prime Minister and Home Secretary

Dear Priti Patel / Boris Johnson,

As the world has watched the horrific events unfold in Ukraine, citizens living in free and democratic countries have considered how they can best play their part in assisting with this unfolding crisis.

We welcome the actions taken so far by this Government against the Putin regime, and are proud to see that President Zelensky counts the United Kingdom amongst his greatest allies. But we must now do more.

We write to you as Staffordshire local authority leaders to let you know we stand ready and able to welcome those displaced by war in Europe. We have the skills, the authority and the willingness to assist in housing and supporting families seeking refuge from the horrors of war – and urge you to clear the bureaucratic path as quickly as possible for these families, who urgently need our assistance.


Councillor Sheree Peaple made the following announcement thank you Deputy Madam Mayor, the Leader as allowed me to make this announcement on what is happening in Tamworth for Ukraine. We have set up a group which is called March for Ukraine with the intention of working throughout March to collect as many goods as possible and get them over there.  The partnership is a partnership between Community Together CIC, Heart of Tamworth, Community Children Count, Tamworth Pantry and some of our Councillors are involved including Cllr Dan Maycock and Cllr Alex Farrell and if I have missed anyone out there I apologise to them.  So far we have collected a huge quantity of goods and we have been absolutely overwhelmed and humbled by the way the good people of Tamworth have as usual opened their hearts and their purses and done everything that can to help with this terrible terrible crisis.  In just a week we have collected approx £23,000 worth of goods which are going over to Ukraine.  We have drivers who are taking the goods up to Grimsby where they are shipped out.  Just to say if you are approached by residents who want to know how they can help if you can direct them to the March for Ukraine face book page it’s got all the details of what we have been asked to supply and what we don’t accept.  If you do get any queries if you can direct them to March for Ukraine page then that would be much appreciated there is also the facility for people to make donations if they want to.   Thank you Madam Deputy Mayor.


The Deputy Mayor Councillor Moira Greatorex made the following announcement - Following that announcement it would be appropriate for this Council to join me in 1 minutes silence to reflect of the struggles taking place in the Ukraine followed by a 1 minute round of applause for all those working so hard to resolve matters and protect the innocent impacted up by the conflict. – Please stand for 1 minute’s silence.