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Agenda item

Application Number: 0334/2021 Tamworth Day Care Centre, Hockley Road, Wilnecote

(Report of the Assistant Director Regeneration & Growth)


Application Number: 0334/2021


Development:  Change of use of existing building to Residential Use for

 16 dwellings and the provision of 8 new build dwellings


Location:        Tamworth Day Care Centre, Hockley Road, Wilnecote,

Tamworth, B77 5EB



Councillor T Jay left the meeting.


Application Number




Change of use of existing building to Residential Use for 16 dwellings and the provision of 8 new build dwellings



Tamworth Day Care Centre, Hockley Road, Wilnecote, Tamworth, B77 5EB



That Committee



Approved subject to the delivery of affordable housing in perpetuity in accordance with policy (HG4), either via a section 106 obligation or by a planning condition should this be deemed by  the Assistant Director – Regeneration and Growth to be  more appropriate (delegated authority to Assistant Director _ Regeneration and Growth to be granted for the wording of any affordable housing condition) and the following conditions



(Moved by Councillor D Maycock  and seconded by Councillor S Pritchard)





1.    The development shall be started within three years of the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


2.    The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in accordance   with the application form, the supporting letter, site location plan:


           211468-PL03 – Ground Floor Plan as Existing


           211468-PL04 – Roof Plan as Existing


          211468-PL05 – Elevations_Sections as Existing 1 of 3


211468-PL06 – Elevations_Sections as Existing 2 of 3


211468-PL07 – Elevations_Sections as Existing 3 of 3


211468-PL08 – Site Plan as Proposed


211468-PL08C – Site Plan as Proposed


211468-PL9A – Ground Floor Plan as Proposed


211468-PL010A – First Floor Plan as Proposed


211468-PL011A – Roof Plan as Proposed


211468-PL012 – Elevations_Sections as Proposed 1 of 3


211468-PL013A – Elevations_Sections as Proposed 2 of 3


211468-PL014 – Elevations_Sections as Proposed 3 of 3


211468-PL015A – Proposed Plans_ Elevations to New Units along Hockley Road


211468-PL016A – Street Scene to Hockley Road


211468-PL017A – Proposed Plans_ Elevations to New Units adjacent to School Access Lane


211468-PL018A – Street Scene along School Access Lane


JMS CO2133808-101 P3


21-4232 Outline Drainage Scheme - Former Day Care Centre – Tamworth


21-4232 SK01 Outline Drainage Scheme


unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To define the approval.


3.    Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved details of all materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance to the

development in accordance with policy EN5: Design of New

Development as set out in the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.


4.       The proposed car and cycle parking, accesses and circulation areas as

shown on the approved plan Drawing Number 211468 Revision B shall

be sustainably drained, hard surfaced in a bound material and marked

out prior to the first occupation of the building hereby permitted.

Thereafter these parking and circulation areas shall be retained in

accordance with the approved plans for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with the

objectives and policies contained within the NPPF and policy SU2: of

the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.


5.    Prior to the commencement of development, drainage plans for the

        disposal of foul and surface water flows will be submitted to and

approved  in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation

with the Local Lead Flood Authority. The scheme shall be

implemented in accordance with the approved details before the

development is first brought into use.


Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with a

satisfactory means of drainage as well as to prevent or to avoid exacerbating any flooding issues and to minimise the risk of pollution in accordance with the NPPF and Policy SU4 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006 – 2031.


6.    Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed tree survey report, showing root protection areas, no dig zones and no parking/vehicle zones will be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the site and indicate those to be retained, together with the measures to be adopted to protect them during the course of the development and that the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved landscaping scheme and retained thereafter throughout the life of the development.


Reason: In the interests of the setting and visual appearance of the development and in accordance with policy EN4: Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

7.   All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner; and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: In the interests of the setting and visual appearance of the development, and in compliance with policies EN4: Protecting and Enhancing Biodivesity and EN5: Design of New development as set out in the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.

8.   No development falling within Part 1 Class A to E of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) shall be carried out.


Reason: In order for the Local Planning Authority to consider future proposals in the interests of the character and appearance of the area in accordance with policy EN5: Design of New developments as set out in the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.



Please note that prior to the access off Hockley Road being widened you require Section 184 Notice of Approval from Staffordshire County Council. The link below provides a further link to 'vehicle dropped crossings' which includes a 'vehicle dropped crossing information pack' and an application form for a dropped crossing. Please complete and send to the address indicated on the application form which is Staffordshire County Council at Network Management Unit, Staffordshire Place 1, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, STAFFORD, Staffordshire, ST16 2DH. (or email to Vehicle access crossing (dropped kerb) - Staffordshire County Council The works required to reduce the access off New Road will require the relevant permit from our Network Management Section. Please note that prior to the reinstatement works taking place you require a Permit to Dig. Please contact Staffordshire County Council at Network Management Unit, Staffordshire Place 1, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, Stafford, Staffordshire ST16 2DH or email

The following link provides an overview of the permissions and licences required for undertaking work on or adjacent to the adopted highway:

Staffordshire County Council as Highway Authority would not formally adopt the proposed development, however, the development will require approval under Section 7 of the Staffordshire Act 1983. This Form X does not constitute a detailed design check. The applicant is requested to contact Staffordshire County Council to ensure that approvals and agreements are secured before commencement of works.

It will, therefore, be necessary for maintenance/management arrangements for the access road and internal layout to be submitted to the Highway Authority with a view to securing an exemption under Section 219 of the Highways Act 1980. Although the road layout will not be to adoptable standard, the roadways within the site will still need to be constructed to be 'fit for purpose'.


Developments of individual houses must include unobtrusive areas suitable to accommodating at least 3 x 240l wheeled bins.

The Joint Waste Service provides a kerbside collection service, therefore residents will be expected to present their bins at the nearest appropriate highway on collection days.


 Unadopted roads/drives cannot be accessed by a collection vehicle if they are not constructed to an adoptable standard.


For each 6 apartments a bin store would be required to hold 1 x 1100l bins (or 3 x 360l bins) for refuse and the same amount for recycling as well as allowing space for any bulky items that residents may have booked in for collection.  Bin capacity is increased incrementally as the number of apartments increases. A bin store should be positioned within a reasonable walking distance from the further apartment it serves and within 10m of the nearest kerbside or stopping point of the collection vehicle. Bin stores must allow room for filling and emptying and provide a clear space of 150mm between and around the containers.  The minimum bin store area for 6 apartments would be 12 square metres and this would need to be increased on a pro rata basis for the 12 apartments.The bin store must be of adequate height to permit container lids to be fully opened and have lockable doors which are wide enough to allow easy manoeuvring of the bins when emptied and returned. Access to the bin store should be clear of obstructions and any paths to the collection point be free from kerbs, with dropped kerbs used at all point, and allow smooth passage for the container, with no steps or inclines more than 1:12.  The path should be non-slip and wide enough to accommodate the bins and be of a hard-wearing surface to withstand the loading imposed. Where the bin store is off road, the drive must have a radius sufficient to turn into and out of the the road and be capable of safely accommodating a refuse vehicle.







Supporting documents: