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Agenda item

Update on Dry Recycling Contract

(To receive an update on the Dry Recycling Contract)


The Chair welcomed the General Manager of the Joint Waste Service to the Committee to provide an update on the Dry Recycling Contract.  The Chair reported that quarterly updates were agreed following the 27 September meeting of this Committee which followed the call-in of the Cabinet decision and this was the first of those.


The General Manager reminded the Committee of the key drivers for changing the service which included the delivery of higher quality materials, as well as the options which had been considered.  An overview of the work underway to deliver the project was provided including the procurement of the bags, bins and twin pack trucks, as well as developing a communications plan and recruiting and training staff, developing provisional rounds and developing plans for communal properties. It was reported that the project team had been established, orders for five new twin pack vehicles had been placed, an extension for 12 months of the existing vehicle contract had been agreed and a three year disposal contract (with an option to extend for a further three years) had been procured.   


The General Manager highlighted the areas where further input was sought in terms of implementation dates, any changes to the days of rounds following review, the communication plan, bin presentation arrangements and the roll out plan for communal properties.  The General Manager updated the Committee on the steps the project was taking to identify and mitigate risks.


The General Manager reported on the recent visit to Newcastle-under-Lyme which had implemented dual stream recycling, utilising a bag and a bin, which demonstrated, even in challenging weather conditions, that the service was clean, tidy, safe and efficient, with good participation by residents delivery high quality recycling.


The Committee sought clarification in the following areas:

·       Presentation of both the bag and the bin together even when limited content within the bin, where it was reported that this would be preferred operationally, so the bag could be trapped securely inside the bin once collected, and to avoid the requirement for replacement bags.

·       The importance of training to ensure that the bags, once emptied, would be trapped under the lid of the bin to prevent the bag falling to the bottom of the bin, and becoming difficult to retrieve.

·       The implementation plan for communal properties, particularly when co-located with other properties, where it was reported that all communal properties would be visited and assessed and until that point remain on single stream. 

·       Whether there were any UK based suppliers for these bags where it was confirmed that this option had been explored but no UK suppliers had tendered to provide these bags.

·       Whether the new trucks were diesel where it was confirmed that this was the case.  It was reported that the technology in this area was fairly new and the risk of sourcing new electric vehicles would be significant and would involve significant additional infrastructure at the depot.  It was reported that work was starting to explore the possibility for future fleet to be electric.

·       The importance of promotional videos to help residents, where it was reported that the communications plan would be likely to be brought back to the next meeting.

·       Whether future recycling requirements, for example in terms of food waste, had been considered in the procurement of the new fleet and how, if necessary, any additional requirements could be added.  The General Manager reported that the service was currently focussed on delivering the dual stream, and when Government guidance was released for any additional requirements this would be considered.


RESOLVED that the following be recommended to Cabinet:


that Cabinet take note of the need for all areas of Council activity to be looking for opportunities to be more green, noting this as an example of an area.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor T Clements)


The Committee noted the report and thanked the Officer for his attendance.


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