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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive Mr Andrew Barratt made the following announcement I just want to inform Council formally that on 2nd December I received the resignation with immediate effect from Mr Paul Brindley. 


The Leader - Councillor Jeremy Oates made the following announcement It has been nearly 7 months since the Council AGM and I’ve worked with the Cabinet since then.  During that time I have watched the Cabinet members working, listened to their interests and looked at the skills and what they bring to the table.  Also during that time a number of the projects and pieces of work we are doing as a Council have changed in terms of their stage and where we are at with those.  With this in mind Mr Mayor I have made some changes to the Cabinet and the Cabinet’s responsibilities, which will come in effect on 15th December 2021.  A copy has been passed to the Leader of the Opposition and the Chief Executive has been informed of the changes.  

The Leader’s portfolio there are some minor amendments which move Member and Democratic Services into that Portfolio and there is the removal of Corporate Risk from the leader and delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Risk & Customer Services.  You will see Mr Mayor that Reset & Recovery now refers to all Cabinet Members being on the board and  responsible for their relevant elements. I would also ask the Chief Executive to make the necessary amendments to the outside bodies list to reflect the portfolio changes.


Updated Portfolio Holder’s


Leader of the Council



Cllr Jeremy Oates






Business Continuity

AD Assets


Emergency Planning

A.D. Neighbourhoods



A.D. Finance


Organisational Development inc HR & Payroll

A.D. People


PR / Comms / Corporate Consultation

A.D. People



A.D. People


Member Development & Democratic Services

E.D. Organisation


Partnership Development

A.D. Partnerships


Corporate Assessments



WMCA Member

A.D. Growth


Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP's)

A.D. Growth



A.D. People


Lead for Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth


Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities



AD Growth


Town Centre Regeneration

A.D. Growth


Town Centre Master-planning

A.D. Growth


Finance, Risk and Customer Services



Cllr Marie Bailey






Property Management Investment

A.D. Assets


GF Repairs

A.D. Assets


Commercial Property Portfolio

A.D. Assets


Asset Management

A.D. Assets


Revenues & Benefits

A.D. Finance


Treasury Management

A.D. Finance



A.D. Finance



A.D. Finance


Audit & Governance



Corporate Risk Management

A.D. Finance


Land Charges/Legal/Right To Buy

E.D. Organisation


FHSF Finance and Risk - including seat on the FHSF board

AD Growth


Customer Services and insight

A.D. People


Information Mgt/GDPR/Ombudsman

A.D. People



A.D. People


Climate change & Green issues, ethical procurement

AD Growth


Corporate Risk Management

A.D. Finance


Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities


Voluntary sector, Town Centre, Evening economy & Community Safety



Cllr Danny Cook






Town Centre Relationships

A.D. Growth


Evening economy

AD Grwoth


Electric vehicle strategy and wider provision

AD Growth


Voluntary Sector

A.D. Partnerships


Environmental Health (all disciplines)

AD Growth


Licensing Policy

AD Growth


Corporate Health & Safety

AD Ops & Leisure


Taxi Licensing

AD Growth


PCC Engagement

A.D. Partnerships


Community Safety

A.D. Partnerships


Corporate ASB Strategy




A.D. Partnerships


E H Enforcement

AD Growth





Community Wardens

AD Neighbourhoods



AD neighbourhoods


Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities


Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth


Skills, Planning, Economy & Waste



Cllr Stephen Doyle






Local Plan Development/Implementation

A.D. Growth


Development Control (Planning)

A.D. Growth


Building Control (Planning)

A.D. Growth


Conservation (planning)

A.D. Growth


Heritage Assets - maintenance, upkeep

A.D. Growth


Dry Recycling Disposal Contract



Waste Management



Joint Waste Board with LDC.



Economic & Business Development

A.D. Growth


General Regeneration opportunity

A.D. Growth


 Education / Educational Attainment

A.D Growth


Career Skills and Training

A.D Growth


Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities


Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth


Environment, Entertainment and Leisure


Cllr Robert Pritchard





A.D. Growth & A.D. People

Litter/Car parking Enforcement

A.D. Partnerships

Street Scene / Tamworth in Bloom

A.D. Op's & Leisure


A.D. Op's & Leisure

Community Leisure / Sport

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Public Toilets

A.D. Assets

Nature Reserves, Parks and Play

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Entertainment - Assembly Rooms, Castle Operations, Outdoor events, Arts, Culture, Heritage experience, Street Markets

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Sports Development

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Tourism / Destination Tamworth

A.D. Growth

Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities

Town Centre Car Parks

A.D. Growth

HRA Green Spaces and Neighbourhoods

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth

Homelessness Prevention and Social Housing


Cllr Alex Farrell




Chairman of Shadow Housing Committee


HRA Repairs standards /performance

A.D. Assets

HRA Business Planning

ED Communities

HRA Regeneration

A.D. Assets

Tenant Regulation / enforcement

A.D. Neighbourhoods

HRA Community contribution

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Homelessness Prevention

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Private Rental Sector (including private sector enforcement)

A.D. Partnerships

HRA communal buildings

A.D. Assets

Social Landlord Providers

A.D. Neighbourhoods

HRA Strategy

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Disabled Facilities Grants and Disabled Facilities Adaptations

A.D. Assets

Reset and Recovery programme - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

ED Communities

Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth