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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Daniel Maycock will ask the Leader of the Council Councillor Jeremy Oates, the following question:-


“Tamworth Borough Council became a co-signatory of the Armed Force Covenant in 2015, enshrining the Councils commitment to support the Armed Forces Community within Tamworth, whether that be serving members, service families or Veterans.   Since then, there has been a review by the Local Government Association in 2016, which sets out best practice for Local Authorities in achieving the commitments of the Armed Forces question is has Tamworth Borough Council implemented any of this Best Practice guidance, ensuring they are servicing in the best way they can the Armed Force Community in Tamworth?”


Councillor J Oates gave the following reply –


“Thank you Mr Mayor and thank you Councillor Maycock.


Tamworth Borough Council is committed to supporting veterans and serving members of the armed forces and their families through a variety of different ways, and if I may Mr Mayor, I will list these.


  • Priority award is given under the Councils Allocations policy and access to the housing register and that seeks to accelerate re-housing


  • The homelessness Strategy also identifies current and former members of the armed forces, partnering with organisations such as SSAFA to prevent homelessness and crisis


  •  We Recently received an award from  MHCLG which funded tackling rough sleeping and that award was £100k and will help signpost vulnerable applicants, including veterans, through a range of social and health pathways


  • In 2018 Mr Mayor, The government introduced the Homelessness Reduction Act and this requires the Secretary of State for Defence to refer members of the Regular Forces, who may be considered to be homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days, to a housing authority of their choice, this is an accelerated path which we are keen to provide support for and also to provide priority accommodation.


  • Subject to the Councils policies, additional leave is given to voluntary members of the Non-Regular armed Forces allowing them to attend training camps etc., there is a maximum of two weeks paid leave on offer with our employment framework.


  • A Reservist Policy is in place recognising that many of the skills that reservists gain during their training are transferable to the workplace, and we look to support them whilst also taking advantage of those skills.


  • The Council actively support a number of celebrations including Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, the Poppy Appeal and other Remembrance activities, and I’m sure you be aware recently we gave the Mercian regiment the Freedom of the Borough to parade as it was the place where that regiment was formed. We celebrate with those as often as possible. Thank you Mr Mayor.”





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeremy Oates, the following question:-


Following the assurance he recently gave to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee, would the Leader of the Council confirm that the interests of Tamworth Youth Trust and those of the young people of Tamworth be protected during the process of selling the site of the former courts and youth centre. In the original “masterplan” for the area, it was suggested that the College might use part of the area to establish a café and salon to help students gain valuable work experience. What steps is the leader taking to ensure that opportunities for training and development for young people in Tamworth are maximised now that the College is planning to move to a different site? At the committee meeting it was agreed that the term “masterplan” did not reflect the reality of competing to attract inward investment so would the Leader confirm such terminology will no longer be used?”


Councillor J Oates gave the following reply –


“Thank you Mr Mayor and I think there was a number of questions disguised as one in there so I will try and pick them off.


I would refer Councillor Peaple to the County Council charities and Trust board decision on 15th June, and this was where the County Council recommended that if the building were to be disposed of, a new process be put into place where the financial proceeds of that disposal are used to fund local organisations and youth activities.


This Council will continue to support and liaise with colleagues at County to ensure that is delivered and the needs of our residents are met. I will ask Mr Mayor that a copy of those minutes or a link to those minutes are included in this answer so it’s traceable afterwards and we can find it easier.


The Council has worked in close partnership with the College over the past 2 ½ - 3 years with the sole remit of improving the offer and opportunities for training and development of all Tamworth residents, not just the young people of Tamworth. We have seen some of the fruits of this relationship with the award of the Future High Street Funding which we know includes the movement of the college to the Town Centre, amongst other things.


The new College will continue to allow for vocational courses and development of that area, I can’t say now any detail of future curriculum because that is for the College to set however we will do what we can, when we can and have those discussions making sure the College is providing the education that generates the skills required for our local businesses.


In terms of the phrase “Masterplan” I’m not sure how we worded it at the Committee meeting but the sentiment was absolutely right, the word “masterplan” has being misinterpreted and has caused a few issues.


The document we produced was produced as a masterplan as it created a list of activities and projects across the Town Centre and it refers to the fact there are a number of opportunities there. In the absence of a different phrase I’m not sure how I could replace that masterplan but I take the sentiment that Councillor Peaple raises, that it causes confusion, it’s not a set of instructions  it’s not a set design, its literally a plan  in the same way as a local plan identifies areas for development that doesn’t mean that area of development is coming along in that particular sense, so in absence of a good alternative its staying there for the time being but I appreciate the sentiments and the confusion that’s been raised by Councillor Peaple this evening.”


Councillor Dr S Peaple asked the following supplementary question-



“Thank you Mr Mayor perhaps along with the link to the meeting details the Leader could also include the attendance list, members of the public noted that Tamworth’s Councillor on the Committee was absent which made it difficult to believe that Tamworth was fully understood and represented on that day. In addition to that Mr Mayor  can  I ask the Leader to perhaps refresh his memory, we agreed on the word “aspiration” instead of “master plan” the problem with master plan,  it’s very good for engagement strategy but it doesn’t do a great deal to explain what’s really going on.


Mr Mayor can I ask  that the Leader understands we are not looking for Tamworth youth trust funds to be used  to replace existing County Council spending it must be on top off and specific for Tamworth  it cannot be dredged away and the fact that the trustees are all appointed by the County Council has caused concern to residents of Tamworth that they lack the independence  needed to fulfil the job of the original trust so I ask the Leader what his view would be on appointing a fresh set of trustees to ensure the money is spent in Tamworth, for Tamworth people and not as a substitute for revenues spending or otherwise. Thank you Mr Mayor.”


Councillor J Oates gave the following reply –



“Thank you Mr Mayor I take those thoughts and sentiments on board. I will go a little bit further in terms of the point around the increased revenue for youth provision, I 100% agree this cannot be absorbed in to a County budget that serves people elsewhere this was set up to serve the young people of Tamworth and any additional funding from the proceeds of disposal should be used in and for Tamworth and I am keen to push that and fight that as hard as I possibly can.


With regards to the refreshment of trustees I would have to find out what the situation is with that and how that is dealt with but if I can feed that back at a later date Mr Mayor I’m happy to do so.”






Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeremy Oates, the following question:-


“The Leader of the Council will be aware that the County Councils Network have welcomed the appointment of Secretary of State,  Michael Gove as a lead in to a greater number of County deals would the Leader of this Council please tell me whether he agrees that the provision of skills  budgets be included as a focus of this devolution should it come about and would he also agree me that it would be an appropriate time to invite the Leader of the County Council to come and talk to us Councillors in Tamworth not just to the Leaders of the various authorities.”



Councillor J Oates gave the following reply –


“Thank you Mr Mayor, I think there was some slight difference in the wording to that question to the one submitted but I am happy to make the suggestion to Mr White who I am regularly in contact with on this very matter, being that County deals.


Our sole reason for being here Mr Mayor is to fight for what’s best for Tamworth whether that’s education, whether is infrastructure, whether we are supporting businesses, communities or residents. That’s our sole reason for existing as Councillors and it is that challenge I would like us all to take on with the Outside Bodies which we will be appointing later on this evening.


Members will be aware that there are a raft of different deals and opportunities within the current devolution plan and direction of the Government, what I will do is consider any offer and engage with whichever body it is that is pushing that offer to influence those discussions whether it be through Staffordshire County Council or whether it be through the Combined Authority. Any proposed schemes I will be keen to ensure that we thoroughly understand and are fully engaged with till such a point that we either make a decision to go along with an offer or a scheme or not.


The world of devolution is massively complex Mr Mayor and as Councillor Peaple highlighted skills and post 16 education is one of the things that is currently being discussed as is transport and a number of others ,What I’m very keen to do Mr Mayor is ensure that County deals or the devolution offers that are being made whether is through the County Council or through the Combined Authority or even the unitary that we have within Staffordshire I’m keen to make sure that any deal benefits Tamworth and we are not disenfranchised and there’s no detriment to Tamworth. It’s our job and certainly mine to make sure that we fight to make sure that these aren’t power grabs and ensure we are actually getting the best deal for the people of Tamworth and if that relates to skills and has something on offer with skills then I will certainly be able to push it in the same way as I have with the Combined Authority, the GBS LEP and the Staffs and Stoke LEP. Thank you Mr Mayor.”



Councillor Dr S Peaple asked the following supplementary question-



“Thank you Mr Mayor, Can I thank the Leader for that positive response I think it’s helpful.


One of the reasons I brought it up tonight I was at a meeting of the GBS LEP Scrutiny the other day and several members would share political affiliation with the Leader from authorities run by them complained that they never heard what was going on and I thought well the important thing is to go back to your authority and make sure these topics come up. The reason I have highlighted skills was because skills is one of the areas that is already been devolved to Mayors so therefore by definition its most likely to be offered through a County deal and we in  this chamber have regularly called for improvement in the provision of skills training because of the low educational attainment base from which much of Tamworth has struggled to achieve the jobs it needs and can I ask the Leader therefore to bear those thoughts in mind as we go forward because as he rightly said what we are here for is to be here for Tamworth and Tamworth’s got to get the best it can to help it forwards I ask him to pledge to do that and I’m sure he will agree. Thank you Mr Mayor.”


Councillor J Oates gave the following reply –



“Thank you Mr Mayor I think Councillor Peaple is asking for my commitment to support the comments he made re skills etc., Councillor Peaple is absolutely right they have already devolved the skills powers to Mayors and particularly within the CA. I have a particular view as to how we fit In to that agenda when we have a County Council which is effectively responsible for education attainment or be it schools are autonomous there are some challenges we need to iron out and as Councillor Peaple says, skills like transport is one of those things that are on the table. I will leave Councillor Peaple with this final thought The way the GBS LEP is set up in terms of representation we take a year out as a Director and become an observer, so for this year Councillor Peaple has a vote on scrutiny for the GBS LEP and I’m merely an observer on the board and don’t have a vote at all. So I look to Councillor Peaple to exercise that vote in the right way and the best way for Tamworth. Thank you Mr Mayor.” 



Links for the County Council charities and Trust board decision meeting 15th June & attendance link included below as requested within question 2



Agenda for Charities and Trusts Committee on Tuesday 15th June 2021, 11:00am - Staffordshire County Council


Meeting attendance - Meeting of Charities and Trusts Committee on Tuesday 15th June 2021, 11:00am - Staffordshire County Council