The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council,
the Executive Director, Finance and the Knowledge, Performance and
Insight Coordinator to the meeting for this item which was for the
Committee to receive a performance update and financial health
check for Quarter 4, prior to the Report of the Leader of the
Council being presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 8th
July 2021.
The Leader of the Council introduced the
report and highlighted that:
This year would be a difficult year to compare to other years given
the pandemic;
Seen an increase in benefit claims and changes in
Council tax recovery had been strong at 97.4%;
There had been a reduction in rent arrears;
Detailed overview of Write Offs position and that there had been
changes in how these had been managed during the pandemic;
In terms of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) the finance
team had regularly updated both Cabinet members and Government on
predicted outturn over three and five years.
The Committee sought clarifications in the
following areas:
- Corporate Capital Strategy and
whether there was a further update to the timescales. It was reported that this had been affected by a
delay in the Asset management Strategy, which was now expected to
be completed in December 2021.
- The reasons for the difference
between period 11(£1.4m) and period 12 (£2.2m) in the
final outturn figure. The Executive
Director reported that there were two reasons for this; partly due
to COVID related factors in terms of the uncertainty due to COVID
in terms of appeals on business rates which increased the provision
the council needed to make (c £500,000) and the second was
due to the sales, fees and charges scheme and the claim in this
regard was higher (c£200,000).
- Discretionary Housing payments and
how these were assessed. The Executive
Director Finance agreed to provide a written update to members on
Strategy. An update on the supplier
issues was requested as well as clarification of the project due
date. It was agreed that an update
would be provided.
- Organisational Development Strategy.
Clarification of the project due date was requested and it was
agreed that this would be provided.
- It was confirmed that the retail
unit at Tinkers Green / Kerria had been
- Town Centre Programme. The Committee sought further details on the
position with regard to the Car Parking Strategy and the Market
re-tender, particularly in light of the successful award of the
Future High Streets Fund, and whether this would impact on any
award. In particular the Committee
sought assurances that if an award in any market re-tender was made
it would still met the aspirations set out in the tender and would
align with the wider strategy. It was
agreed that full response would be provided.
- Gateway Development. Further details on whether this project could
ahead before the wider Future High Street Fund development of the
proposed new college site was requested and it was agreed that an
update would be provided.
- Acquisitions. The positive benefits
of the council acquiring properties to support people in suitable
temporary accommodation was highlighted.
- Disabled Facilities Grants
(DFG). The Committee questioned how the
Tamworth DFG grant from Government was calculated. It was noted that the funds were passported via Staffordshire County Council and
amounted to £546,000 which was less than half of that
received by other District Councils in Staffordshire. It was noted reported that the allocation was
based on an outdated historic allocation formula and that
significant representations had been made by not only the Council
but also by National bodies representing District Councils
(District Council Network, Local Government Associations etc.) as
well as representation to the MP.
Members asked for a report setting out the position for
consideration at the August meeting of the Committee (including
details of representations made to date and any further information
available on the basis of the historic allocation) – to
inform their considerations in developing proposals for