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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Councillor R Pritchard made the following announcement -


“Thank you Madam Mayor with your indulgence Madam Mayor in light of our experiences this year and adapting to the format of meetings in this public health situation, I would like to move the following motions without notice under rule 4.2.27 and 4.13q



No 1 that the Council formally thank all officers for their efforts to ensure that this Council could still meet during the pandemic


No 2, that in order to help the authority begin to deliver the early stage of the reset and recovery plan, the Council continue to hold virtual meetings for the coming municipal year subject to legislation;


No 3 that we return to the constituted membership for Cabinet meetings, and;


No, 4 we ask Officers to continue to seek feedback to improve both members and the publics experience of virtual meetings and I hope for a seconder Madam Mayor.”


(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor C Cooke)


A vote was taken the 4 motions were carried.



Councillor D Cook made the following announcement -


"Thank you Madam Mayor and Merry Christmas

Please can I ask Councillor and Officer Colleagues of Tamworth Borough Council to note my intention to resign as Leader of the Council.

I have been Leader of this Council for 11 years and 8 days, and other than my family, it has been the greatest privilege of my life and I hope you all agree I gave it my all. I never took it for granted and was honoured to be this Councils choice for so long.

During this period I have also held a full time day job and was for a couple of years of my leadership I was also a single father – again while fully employed in the demanding Logistics sector and Leader of this Council 24/7. That takes a lot of managing - and is exhausting. But I made it work as best as my abilities enabled.

However, 11 years is long enough for anyone to juggle these demands. Being Leader of TBC is all my youngest daughter remembers me ever being – she is actually in pieces knowing I do this because she sees it as part of who her father is.

For those who did not know, my wife Cllr Michelle Cook is pregnant and it is time for me to give her my fuller attention as well as my daughters.

Leadership has been a journey full of up’s and down’s, full of success and the odd failure. I have never believed I am infallible and I am certainly not perfect, but no one can be, certainly not when governing for 77,000 people and their complex needs and desires.

I am a great believer in “Time will not dim the glory of their deeds.” a quote from General John J. Pershing.


I say this because I recall a conversation as my leadership began so long ago with two former Council Leaders, Cllr Jeremy Oates and Cllr Peter Seekings - who sadly passed away a few years ago. They asked me over a cup of tea what legacy I wanted. I responded, “Not to be remembered”. Simply because 99% of the time in politics you are remembered for your failings rather than your successes. It is a cruel truth.

As the sun sets on my time in this role, I see it different now. I look back with pride on the journey undertaken, on how we collectively moved the Council and the Town forward with confidence and energy. Its strange how at the end, you start to recall the beginning.

Early December 2009, I was on a training course called the “Leadership Academy” in Coventry and on this day my predecessor resigned as Council Leader. I walked into the course on Monday 8am as Deputy Leader, by 6pm I was Leader of the Council (well while awaiting a Council vote). The company running the course still dine out on that, Deputy Leader walked in to our Leadership Academy training course and he was Leader 10 hours later.

I will never forget that Monday afternoon, on the phone with former Council Leader Jeremy Oates. It was clear one of us needed to step up to Leader. It was an hour’s conversation along the lines of - you have to take Leadership, no way, you do. No you do. I’m not, you do it. This went on a long time before I caved.

I had declined Leadership 5 months earlier in June 2009, so tried twice to refuse, succeeded once.

I never aspired to Leader and yet here I am 11 years later.

I think of the challenges myself and colleagues met head on. We didn’t always make popular choices, but we made the choices with the evidence available.

HRA Reform in 2011 as the nature of financing Council Housing stock budgets changed. A massive long term financial commitment


The decade of Austerity we navigated was challenging year to year since the first government cut to our finances in February 2010 from Gordon Brown. 7.2% if memory serves. The fact that today we still have not ceased a Council service to our residents gives me great pride. Yes, some services are different and some changed to deliver outcomes differently, but they all still exist.

We had the courage to finally resolve the financial black hole that was Tamworth Golf Course and provide much needed houses. This was a hard road to walk and I recall answering 100’s of E-mails at 2am / 3am some nights from residents, as I insisted it was my role to stand on the front line of the decision and give residents the answers myself. Leaders lead from the front.


Had the courage to introduce Green Bin charges, not a single Councillor wanted to do this, including me? Still hate it! However, we knew it had to be done due to the changing nature of Recycling credits.


The demolition and re-build of Tinkers Green and the Kiera housing estates. In the 21st Century, people should not have to live in homes of that poor quality.


We took our involvement in economic development away from just Staffordshire, but joined Economic Partnerships with Councils around Greater Birmingham. This is where Tamworth’s economy truly sits and we wanted a seat at the table.


Resourcing £1.1million pounds to secure the foundations of the castle in 2011/12 ensuring it stands for future generations to enjoy.


Securing £6 million plus to bring the Assembly Rooms back to life. It looks and is spectacular again. It is just a shame that during Covid 19 it remains temporarily closed.


Agreed to take refugee families from war torn Syria and give them homes in Tamworth. And then almost hand in hand with Cllr Simon Peaple, Leader of the Labour Councillors faced down an EDL protest over the decision.


I recall that in 2015 for the first time since 1981 we actually increased the number of Council houses the council had in total over that 12 months. In fact, in my own ward we doubled the number of Council houses. Not many Conservative Leaders can state that, well if any. In fairness, it went from 8 to 16, but there you go!


The largest percentage drop in unemployment in the UK between 2008 and 2015 – a fall of 71% in unemployment.


Led the 2019 campaign “Tamworth – What’s next”. From this campaign, we are designing a master plan to change our Town Centre and evolve it into a 21st century destination of choice.

Watched this Council and our superb voluntary sector navigate the Pandemic, working so hard to help and protect those who needed us. I will never be able to thank Council officers and volunteers fully for their efforts.


But one of my proudest successes is under my Leadership was I led us away from Political whims and ideology, all our policies and decisions became purely evidence based working hand in hand with public sector partners. Let us recall that our Peer Review in 2013, completed by the Local Government Association stated the council has “Strong Political Leadership”.


Oh and also spent the 2015 General Election dealing with a pig with a Policeman’s helmet, Great fun!


In my time of Leadership, I have employed 3 Chief Executives, a total of 12 Cabinet members and had some great sparring sessions with 3 different Opposition Leaders. Hence my point, 11 years is enough for the present. Always leave with them wanting more. (I say tongue in cheek).

At this point Madam Mayor, I wish thank a few colleagues for support and friendship over the last decade or so. I hope all appreciate I cannot thank everyone tonight, there are simply too many and in my own time I will thank them all personally. However, here is a few who deserve mention.

My rock, Cllr Robert Pritchard. You have been my deputy leader for 10 years, In fact, you were never a deputy, you were stood with me every day shoulder to shoulder, a rock of political advice and support.

My great friend Cllr Jeremy Oates. I was your deputy leader so long ago and you taught me so much. Your continued advice and sound thinking has been essential. In fact, my wife thinks I talk to you more than her.

My go to guy, Cllr Stephen Doyle. I have changed your Cabinet position so often I cannot remember them all. This was not because you ever failed, but that you are so capable of bringing fresh insight and hitting the ground running no matter the terrain. I will never be able to fully thank you and your wife Jenny for all the childcare you provided for my daughter during some hard times and making her so welcome in your home.

The legend, Cllr Steve Claymore. As we all know, Steve sadly passed away in 2019, without Steve my leadership would have been a failure. His achievements for Tamworth out live him and he was the finest cabinet member I ever saw operate.

And of course, the two Chief Executives I gave the roles. Tony Goodwin and Andrew Barratt, I would not have changed either of you for any other Chief Exec I ever met. Your professionalism and passion for Tamworth shine through daily.

As I say, others need to be thanked and I will be doing the rounds so to speak.

So Madam Mayor, I stated at the beginning of this short speech it was my intention to resign. I will now set out the timetable for this.

I invite this Council to elect a new Leader at the Council meeting of 23rd February 2021 after I have presented the Budget, the new leader to take the office on the 1st March 2021.


My intention is to ensure over the next two months that the Council sets a solid budget for the coming years and this will be challenging. We know the impact of the pandemic and of the proposed government changes to retained Business Rates have put a hole in our finances and strong Leaders do not run from a problem. Thus, I will deliver the budget in February, the Council will then elect a new Leader and I have a few days for a smooth hand over leading to the 1st March.


I feel this is the right time for me to stop, a decision I took while on family holiday in Crete in July 2020. In fact I had already informed the CEO and Leader of the Opposition this would be my final year no matter what earlier than that. The timeline gives a new Leader the right to set the State of the Borough Debate in March 2021 and potentially outline their vision. The new Leader can then lead their political group into the next local elections.

It is not for me to decide who follows me Madam Mayor; it is for all the Councillors to decide on the 23rd February. I am sure all Political groups will discuss this over coming weeks leading to a democratic vote.


Let me finish with some hard-earned advice for whoever follows me into Leadership. Be strong, be honest, be humble, never hide and hold the line on your decisions, don’t see a popularity contest, see long-term opportunities to improve the lives of the residents we serve. Follow the evidence, not an ideology.  And, never underestimate the intelligence of the residents of Tamworth.

Tamworth is a magnificent place. Full of diverse and wonderful people. They deserve our best and I know we all give all of ourselves to the principle. We might not always align in agreement, but I know every single Councillor in Tamworth came into the role with the right intentions.

Therefore, it’s not quite goodbye yet, but the process can begin. It been an honour to continue to gain your support year after year and I thank you for the confidence you have shown in me.

I believe tonight that I see how lucky I am to have had something that makes saying Goodbye so hard, but the earth continues to turn and the seasons change for us all. Few things are constant and we all move through life in the best way we know how.

It is time for a new challenge. Leadership is about strong character, I leave the same way as I arrived, head held high and determined. I have a quotation from Bret Stephens, a New York Times reporter I believe is apt, Before the word 'resignation' became a euphemism for being fired, it connoted a sense of public integrity and personal honour.” I leave on my terms Madam Mayor and with a sense of pride.


I look forward to spending more time with my perfect wife Michelle, my two daughters, my granddaughter and the little bundle of joy currently doing gymnastics inside Michelle.

Thank you Madam Mayor."


Councillor R Claymore made the following announcement-



“Thank you Danny. I have a list of people here that want to speak but can you just please indulge me for a couple of minutes, just to say that I can’t really let this moment go without saying a huge thank you to Danny for his unfailing dedication to the role as Leader and his commitment to ensure he’s always done his best for the people of Tamworth and I know that has meant a lot to you Danny, and on a personal level, Danny has supported me through some difficult times and I’m proud to call him my friend.”


Councillor J Oates made the following announcement-


“Thank you Madam Mayor like yourself I couldn’t let this moment go without saying thank you to Danny Cook, and I’m going to start with a big wow for somebody that wanted to be forgotten or not remembered as he put it that is one heck of a legacy. It’s difficult to add to his list of achievements there. Danny as you know I was Leader for a Short period before you and I experienced a couple of years at it nowhere near 11 and I know it’s tough and all the things you said there I recognise, it’s tough answering emails at 3 o’clock in the morning, it’s tough being stuck between policy procedure and doing what is the right thing, and you’ve held that office and you’ve done that and achieved that consistently throughout the whole 11 years that you have been Leader. you’ve took a Conservative group which was all be it five years into control was fractious and with significant divisions and very quickly you swept that to one side and you did that by engaging with people, by ignoring the old fractions and actually getting on and getting stuck in and building those bridges and I know I’m being party political now but the Conservative group changed significantly when you became Leader and is also privilege to work with you during that but also to watch your growth and maturity. The brash lad from Yorkshire who would enter the eighth floor having being upset by something that had happened we knew Danny had arrived we could hear the door bang at the end of the corridor, to now the measured individual who yes you still get emotional, you still get excited about things but the balance and the approach really illustrates the statesman position that you’ve got. You’ve done a cracking job Danny I’m not going to speak for too long as it’s already nearly 7 o’clock I’m privileged to have worked with you on your Cabinet


I’m privileged to have worked so closely with you and also very privileged in the times when I know you’ve had to have that conversation when something has been on your mind for example when your phone bleeps and you look down and it’s a message from Danny saying I could do with a pint mate then you know there’s a tough decision going on and it’s been a privilege to be one of those people that had those text messages, gone out for a pint with you and  dealt with the business and then had an enjoyable evening.


Don’t go too far away you have still got two months of this and hopefully you’ve got plenty more to give afterwards but fully appreciate the position. 11 years as I say wow and what a legacy, you’ve listed a number of items there Danny you should be proud of what you’ve achieved, politically and as Leader of the Council and Madam Mayor I think Danny deserves a big pat on the back and a big thank you from this Borough Council.


Councillor Dr S people made the following announcement


“Thank you madam Mayor first of all when I asked to speak I was going to make the point following the previous vote that in order that there is no misrepresentation to the staff I shall be writing to the Chief Executive on behalf of the opposition to state that we had no difficulty with the motion to thank them for all their work and that the vote was effectively driven by a political decision


Second  thing that I will say then Madam Mayor and I acknowledge the kind comment that Councillor Cook made in his speech indicating that he is going to step down in the near future that personally on a personal level we’ve managed to get on very well occupying our roles and have usually manage to do so with courtesy as he said to me once not long after I became Leader of the opposition there’s days when we’ve got a throw bricks at each other proverbial bricks at each other but because our sides expect it but we know that we have to work together and that we have done in an appropriate manner he did indeed tell me about his intentions to step down and I kept that to myself as appropriate apologies if you’re getting any  background there, so that’s what I wanted to say with regards to the point that Councillor Oates made about how Councillor  Cook swept away fractions well recent coverage following Councillor Kingstone’s resignation, some of the group suggests that they may be re-emerging and tonight‘s decision to be more party political has only re-emphasised that but I would personally on a personal level say to Councillor Cook thank you for working together in where we can and I shall say more when he formally steps down thank you.”


Councillor R Prichard made the following announcement -


“Thank you Madam Mayor so I just wanted to add my thoughts on this announcements without a doubt Danny was the best man for the job he only ever wanted the best for the town and its people I think sometimes far more important than some of the achievements that have taken place over the years is the integrity and the candid mind-set that he brought to the role as Leader his years will be a legacy of guts, determination, careful reflection and action. It has been an absolute honour to be his Deputy and by his side during these years. Danny has never been interested in in the headlines, in the glitz or the glamour just about getting the job done, knuckling down making sure the work is done in the background. He can hold his head high, he can reflect on a decade of achievements and growth and stability and I think on behalf of all of us we can thank Danny for the work he has done for this town and the Council over the past decade.”



Councillor A Farrell made the following announcement -


“Thank you madam Mayor it’s just a quick one I’m conscious of the time. I just want to pass my thanks onto to Danny if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here. I’ve only been on the Council for about a year and a half now, we met 11 years ago he had just become Leader, he took me for a drink and two hours later I joined the Conservative party, for my sins. He’s been there by my side ever since I’m thankful I’ve been able to join the Council recently and experience his leadership first hand.  Danny brings people together he is a fantastic Leader and I hope you won’t go too far away and I’m sure he’ll be back in the future.”