To receive an update from a representative of the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
The Chair welcomed the representative from the University Hospitals of Burton and Derby NHS Foundation Trust, Mr Duncan Bedford, Managing Director, to the meeting to provide an update on managing the COVID-19 response, UHDB Strategy and on the Sir Robert peel Community Hospital.
Mr Duncan Bedford reported that at the start of the first wave of COVID-19 there had been significant uncertainty and the modelling showed that in certain scenarios there could be difficulties. In response, intensive care capacity was increased, emergency surgery continued, staff were concentrated on the acute sites in Burton and Derby. In addition paediatric services were temporarily consolidated in Derby, the maternity unit at the Samuel Johnson hospital was temporarily closed, however the minor injuries units at the Sir Robert Peel and Samuel Johnson hospitals continued.
In terms of cancer referrals these had initially reduced, however they were now back to approximately pre-COVID-19 levels, and the number of patients waiting had been significantly reduced from the peak seen following the start of the pandemic.
In terms of Accident & Emergency attendances, these had dropped off, however they were now back to near normal levels, and the trust’s performance against the four hour performance was below the national standard.
In terms of diagnostic services, waiting times continued to improve, with better systems to manage the increased and enhanced cleaning between cases. Referral to Treatment Times was also improving but remained a significant challenge.
It was reported that new coronavirus cases nationally had been rising since July and the incident command structure had been fully re-established to maintain command and control. Planning continued for recovery and those plans would be robustly monitored within the governance structures.
Mr Bedford provided an overview of the trust’s strategy “Exceptional Care Together” in terms of how the trust intended to work with partners to improve the health and wellbeing of those within the communities served. This strategy and the ambitions set had been consulted on and would be supported by enabling strategies for each clinical area. To deliver on this there was a recognition that there would be more collaborative working to provide the best care possible and to understand the health needs of the population.
An update was provided on the Sir Robert Peel Hospital and the services which were provided there, in terms of outpatient clinics and inpatient care where one ward had been newly refurbished and where patients were supported in their rehabilitation, as well as diagnostic and endoscopy services and day surgery. In terms of the attendances at the minor injury unit, the drop off during COVID-19 had not yet recovered in line with accident and emergency attendances.
In terms of the delivery of new services from the Sir Robert Peel these had not materialised as quickly as expected due to COVID-19, however there had been good work in frailty pathway, as well as increased service provision in phlebotomy and dermatology.
The Committee sought and received clarifications in the following areas:
· The testing of staff, where it was reported that UHDB had participated in a pilot where all staff were tested, with all tests now returning promptly within the expected 24 hours.
· How the trust determines which services are provided locally. It was reported that work continued to assess the health care needs of the population locally to ensure the best local service delivery. In particular there was a focus on delivering diagnostic testing as locally as possible, and the work continued to inform the decision making in this regard.
· The reasons for the drop in attendances at the minor injuries unit, which it was reported could be as a result of the public trying not to burden the NHS, however, presentations at minor injury units, as opposed to at acute hospitals could be beneficial.
· The extent of the partnership working undertaken to support the Tamworth community who utilised various health services from various different hospital trusts located within and outside Staffordshire. It was reported that the trust worked hard to deliver its services well.
The Committee thanked Mr Duncan Bedford for his attendance and presentation and asked that the Committee’s thanks to all the trust’s staff for their work be passed on.
Mr Bedford then left the meeting.