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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The following announcements were made;


Madam Mayor Councillor R Claymore


“I have just a couple of announcements, first and foremost at the last full Council meeting there was a particular mention of the extraordinary work that has been carried out by Tamworth Borough Council Officers throughout this pandemic and I just wanted to reiterate that this is continuing, the staff are doing amazing work, this is something we have never experienced before. The staff are having to work under difficult and very new circumstances, I just wanted it on record how much the members appreciate everything that  they are doing and going forward hoping that things will get to some sort of normal at some point soon.


The other thing I wanted to mention is just on a personal note from me as the Mayor.


I have a couple of initiatives that I want to get off the ground, As you can appreciate it's very difficult at the moment to get out and about to see people but what I would like to do first and foremost is try and meet as many of the volunteers that have stepped up to the mark. Over the next few months I would like to hold small intimate afternoon tea parties. I would like to hold these in the Town Hall and possibly in the Bandstand if I am allowed. I would also like to invite some of the businesses throughout the town so that we can see how well these businesses are doing whilst we are celebrating the wonderful work the volunteers are doing.


So my plea to you is I do have a list of volunteers, but if anybody knows anyone who has stepped up to the mark or gone that little bit further, then can they contact me through Democratic Services. I would like to invite as many of those people along over the next few months to have a nice little afternoon tea as a thank you.”


Councillor R Kingstone


“Thank you Madam Mayor.  I'm not going to make a speech or anything but just to state for the meeting and for all Councillors present that it is my intention to resign with immediate effect from the controlling group and I will be sending an email outlining my reasons to all Councillors and the Chief Executive in a few minutes time. Thank you Madam Mayor.”


Councillor R Prichard Deputy Leader


“Thank you Madam Mayor in the absence of the Leader of the Council who is away today I would just like to announce some slight changes to the Cabinet structure, with no change to membership those details have been circulated to the Chief Executive, Democratic Services and the Opposition Leaders and also  a slight change to reflect the announcement of the Conservative committee places and that has been distributed through Democratic Services, the Opposition group leaders and the Chief Executive, and finally I would like to announce the champions, the champion role is something this Council has been doing for many years now and I would just like to confirm the champions the Leader is appointing are Councillor Ben Price for Town Centre champion, Councillor Paul Brindley for heritage champion, Councillor Marie Bailey for community safety champion, Councillor Alex Farrell for digital champion and Councillor Tina Clements for dementia champion. Thank you Madam Mayor.”


Councillor D S Peaple announcement


“Thank you Madam Mayor and thank you to the Deputy Leader for sending out the list of Committee places it appears to allocate Councillor Kingstone as part of the controlling group and therefore I look forward to that being clarified. Can I also please ask the question of the Deputy Leader why the Conservative group after the events of the last week still feel that it's appropriate to have the Chair of Planning and the Chair of Licensing allocated to people who have business in that field and should they now not consider some sort of reallocation of roles in order to clarify the interests that clash through people being in charge of those Committees in areas that they work in. I look forward to a future discussion on that point with the Deputy Leader thank you Madam Mayor.”