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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The following announcements were made:


Councillor J Oates


“Thank you Mr Mayor.


You will recall the last time I stood here I announced that we had been unsuccessful with the future high street fund allocation however over the bank holiday I’m sure many of you would have read in the press that the scheme has been extended and we have been successful so everything I said last time I take back. We are all go!


We have been successful in being awarded an additional amount of funding to get us to the stage of outline business plan by January with final business plan by April in order to go for the big bucks and get some of the future high street fund in Tamworth. So its good news following the slightly sad news we had last time that we had not got it. There is a lot of work Mr Mayor I don’t have the details with me but its good news that we have been accepted on to the extended tranch one of the future high street fund”


Councillor J Chesworth


“Thank you Mr Mayor.


Last week I’m pleased to say that Tamworth was awarded gold once again in the Heart of England in Bloom competition. I would like to pass on my congratulations to the Street Scene staff in particular, who worked really hard all year and particularly make the Castle Grounds and surrounding roads look absolutely superb, so I would like to thank them and all the officers involved and congratulate them. Thank you Mr Mayor”.


Chief Executive Mr Andrew Barratt


Thank you Mr Mayor.


As members of Corporate Scrutiny will be aware when they considered the impact of Universal credit recently, and made a recommendation to Cabinet that the Leader and the Leader of the opposition jointly write to both the DWP the relevant minister and the MP to ask some question and concerns. I have a letter that has been agreed by both Councillor Cook and Councillor Peaple and I would just ask if they would be prepared to sign it tonight so we can get it off and carry out Cabinets recommendation.



The Mayor Councillor R Kingstone


Before we move on, I just have one thing to say. You might have noticed a new member of the Democratic Services team, we have a new Monitoring Officer, who has taken up her post so I would like to introduce Rebecca Neill, and she will be able to help with all our monitoring.


Dr S Peaple


“Thank you Mr Mayor.


Council at the last meeting will recall there was a list of outside bodies and I was grateful to the Leader for accepting the suggestion to put myself on the GBS LEP Scrutiny panel, I’m pleased to report to Council that first of all I was made vice chair at the last meeting but secondly that I have been able to influence the letter and the wording of the letter that has gone to Ministers supporting our desire to have a choice as to which LEP we join and so I thought I would report that back to Council and thank the Leader for giving me the opportunity to serve the town. Thank you”