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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Ms Vivien Shaw, of Tamworth will ask the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor R Pritchard, the following question:-


"Last July you were kind enough to reply to my queries regarding the lack of public toilets in Tamworth and also whether anything could be done to ensure we, the people in Tamworth and visitors to the area could look forward to a proper Information Centre rather than the inadequate cramped space in the Council offices.


Well over six months later, nothing has changed.


The Assembly Rooms, part of the re-juvenation project haven't been re-opened, something that was promised by yourselves at the 17th July 2018 Council meeting quoting "Christmas time this year (2018) or early next year" ...your words. Meantime visitors and local people rely on the facilities in Ankerside, when it’s open or the ones in the Castle grounds. Neither of which is clearly signposted.


Can you confirm that the premises previously known as Goostry's, are your property and therefore ideally suited to be a Tourist Information Office? They are central, large and lying empty, with room for refreshments and toilets."


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor, due to the complexity of the works and the age of the building, the opening of the Assembly Rooms has been delayed.


We aim to open the premises to the public in September of this year.


The shop known as Goostrys (more of us will know it as the Peel Café) is owned by the Council.  


We are looking at a number of venues for a new TIC and this is one of them. We hope to make an announcement as soon as possible.”


Ms Vivien Shaw asked the following supplementary question:-


“Those replies were given me to last July in particular the Council properties you was going to gain further information and also you was  going to look at other properties but nothing else has been done and it was over 6 months ago.


 As far the assembly rooms are concerned could we have your assurance that when they are finally opened and I believe it’s going to be in October that the main amenities there will be open for the public even when the assembly rooms are not being used?”


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor.


 In terms of the delays when the question was originally answered, since then other properties potentially have become available for TIC so that’s one of the reason for the delays because properties we had not originally considered had become available so we wanted to explore those as well.


As I said we will make a formal announcement as soon as possible and that includes the provision of public toilets.”






Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr S Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Operational Services, Councillor J Chesworth, the following question:-



“Please would the Portfolio Holder for Waste Management tell the Council how many blue bins have been “yellow tagged” for containing non re-cyclable rubbish each week in 2019?”


Councillor J Chesworth gave the following reply:-


“I’m unable to provide a weekly breakdown as the figures aren’t collected in that way, but since January 1st 2019 there have been 647 recycling bins in Tamworth that have had a sticker put on them.  In Lichfield there have been 1353, so around the same percentage across the partnership.


There has only been 1 load rejected within this time by the recycling facility, compared with approximately 2 per week previously.


Recycling officers follow this up with a visit to as many of the affected households as possible, but if the resident contacts us first they will definitely get a visit.”


Councillor Dr.S Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor


Thank you for the figures Councillor Chesworth the weekly breakdown was less important than knowing we are actually monitoring just how many there are.


My concern arises from particularly shared facilities and communal facilities where it’s less easy to control who puts what rubbish in which bin. Can I ask whether there is a contact that we can have to advise community groups and because I’m conscious that  the recyclets have changed in terms of what goes in the blue bin and  I would hate to see the success of our recycling put in jeopardy by too many spoilt bins, my concern is that if, someone or a community centre’s bin is not  emptied one week because of a yellow tag all that will happen is the recycling will just end up in the black bin and what could be recycled wont. So could you just outline what steps they can take or if you want to do that in writing so I can circulate that to interested community groups it would be helpful. Thank you”



Councillor J Chesworth gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor


I will circulate something in writing but in short all properties received the same information about blue recycling bins, so they can all adhere to that. If any particular property does have an issue, they can contact waste management services, as every other resident does!


I know a charity recently that didn’t have their blue bin emptied and after a simple phone call it was emptied the next day.


I will circulate something for you. Thank you”





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“Would the Leader of the Council update the Council on the position relating to Tamworth’s options regarding the future membership of LEPs”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


“As far as the LEP Review is concerned, there is nothing to add at this time, we have had no further correspondence from government or either LEP and the only movement I have seen is a letter from our MP Chris Pincher in further support of our position as agreed cross party in Tamworth.


As any new information unfolds, I will update all Councillors”


Councillor Dr.S Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor


Can I thank the Leader for that answer he will appreciate that if he was here I would have asked Councillor Claymore because I know Councillor Claymore held this matter close to his heart


So I would ask that, when we talk about honouring  his memory that we fight this corner and we fight it really hard because if there’s anything that is best for Tamworth then  I know his spirit will be with us in fighting that corner and I would ask the Leader to reiterate this commitment to that principle. Thank you.”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor


I certainly echo those thoughts, no disagreement whatsoever, It’s quite interesting when you discuss within Government circles or with a minister this review of where each Council sits within a LEP area. I don’t think the Government fully understand what they are trying to do with this review,

I think it’s kind of fallen off the radar a little whilst they pause and re think.


Its interesting Councillor Peaple’s question and no attack, I don’t think when it comes down to it we are going to get an option and that’s the disappointing thing so I will certainly echo what Councillor Peaple said and we will fight every stage of the way. Thank you”