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Agenda item

Allocations Policy

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Neighbourhoods)


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Neighbourhoods which:

·         Detailed the proposed changes to the Councils Allocations Policy subject to the statutory consultation process;

·         Set out the arrangements for statutory consultation on the proposed changes set to take place between 7th May and 30th August 2019;

·         Confirmed the timescales and arrangements for transitioning to the new Policy;

·         Set out the community based impact assessment which would remain under review and would be presented as part of the final policy document, highlighted within the report.



that Cabinet:



approved, in principle, the draft allocations policy, shown at Annex 1-3, subject to the requisite consultation arrangements



approved the consultation plan detailed within the report commencing 7th May 2019 and running until Friday 30th August 2019



delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Neighbourhoods and Executive Director of Communities to approve the final policy for Full Council approval October 2019, save any material changes which would be referred back to Cabinet and the timescales amended accordingly



supported comments arising from discussions with the Council’s Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee on the proposed matters relating to the management of the Council’s Housing Register – presentation attached at Annex 4.  Noting further detailed Scrutiny forms part of the consultation plan detailed in the report



noted the Independent Report, shown at Annex 6, provided by the Housing Quality Network (HQN) which highlighted the exemplary approach to the Council’s review of its Allocations Policy



approved the draft community & equality based impact assessment noting the effect of the key changes on existing and potential service users.


(Moved by Councillor M Cook and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)



Supporting documents: