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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 251 KB


The Minutes of the previous Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee held on 26th November 2019 were approved and signed as a true record.


(Moved by Councillor J Faulkner and seconded by Councillor P Brindley)



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (personal and/or personal and prejudicial) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a personal interest or personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 




There were no declarations of interest.


Debt Management and Support pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To receive a Report of the Assistant Director Partnerships and to receive a presentation from Citizens Advice.

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Communities, the Assistant Director Partnerships and the Chief Officer from Citizens Advice, Mid Mercia to the meeting.


The Committee received the report of the Assistant Director which updated the Committee on the corporate approach to managing and supporting residents with problem debt and wider vulnerability.  The Assistant Director highlighted the following to the Committee:


·         the work done by the Benefits team to process claims quickly;

·         the availability of discretionary housing payments to assist the most vulnerable;

·         the sensitive management of any overpayments of housing benefits;

·         the corporate project group which had been re-set to respond to welfare reform, in particular Universal Credit;

·         the commitment to deliver services through enhanced digitisation and customer access;

·         the work of the Council Tax team, which although not signed up to the Council Tax Arrears Good Practice Protocol, complies with most of the principles outlined.


The Chief Officer, Citizens Advice Mid Mercia, updated the Committee on the transition of the citizen advice service to the Mid Mercia organisation from April 2019.  He further updated the Committee on the service provided in Tamworth and the areas from which the most queries came and from where support and advice was required.  In particular the Committee heard that debt, housing and generalist advice was provided and that the demand for this came from a combination of referrals from Tamworth Borough Council and self-referral, sometimes following customers having called the citizens advice telephone helpline.   


It was reported that:

·         there were now 10 volunteers who were Tamworth based;

·         an energy based advice service was provided to help avoid fuel poverty;

·         Citizens Advice would also be providing a new mental health advice service for families from April 2020. 


The Committee sought clarification on the following:

·         The impact seen by Citizen Advice of the end of PPI payouts.  Citizens Advice clarified that there was no evidence from aggregated national data that this was one of the top ten issues in debt management.

·         The extent of support available in terms of avoiding financial scams.  Citizens Advice reported that training in this area was usually undertaken 1-2-1 after contact had been made.

·         Impact of funding for local authorities being withdawn by DWP associated with Personal Budgeting Support.  Citizens Advice confirmed that Government had looked to deliver a more consistent service nationally and had commissioned Citizens Advice to help support in this area.

·         Why had Tamworth Borough Council not signed up to the Council Tax Arrears Good Practice Protocol. Councillor M Cook agreed to raise this with the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance and report back to the Committee.

·         What proportion of Tamworth Borough Council debt went through an enforcement process.  The Assistant Director Partnerships agreed to raise the item with the relevant Officer.


The Chair, on behalf of the Committee thanked the Portfolio Holder, the Assistant Director and the Chief Officer, Citizens Advice Mid Mercia, for their update and for the work they undertook with residents. They then left the meeting.


Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Update from the Chair

To receive an update from the Chair


The Chair reported that the item on Councillor Training records would be brought forward to the next meeting of the Committee, rather than this meeting.


Councillor training records

To receive an update from the Chair


This item to be moved to the next meeting of the Committee.


Update on health related matters considered by Staffordshire County Council

To receive an update from County Councillor T Clements


There was no update to report as had been no Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee held since the last meeting of this Committee.  The next Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee meeting is on 3 February 2020.




Forward Plan

Please see the link to the Forward Plan:




The Committee considered the Forward Plan and agreed that there were no items from the Forward Plan which should be considered as Work Plan items.


Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Work Plan - 2019/2020


Staffordshire Observatory Data Pack

To consider the Staffordshire Observatory Data Pack – see link to document:



The Committee did not at this time identify any further items for its consideration.


Review and update the Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Work Plan 2019/2020 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

To consider items for 2019/2020 Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Work Plan



The Chair highlighted that members had been requested to consider their priorities on the work plan in advance of this meeting with an aim to prioritise the existing items.  It was agreed that the mental health issues in Tamworth item would be merged with the update expected at the February meeting from the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.


The Chair reported that he would like to add an additional item to the Committee’s Work plan which could require an additional meeting of this Committee to be called in March 2020.   The item related to a service to improve the availability of information on the accessibility of Tamworth. 


The Committee updated the Work Plan as follows:



Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Work Plan

Work Plan 2019 - 2020



Each meeting

Update on Staffordshire County Council matters


26 February 2020

Councillor training records


26 February 2020

A representative from Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – to attend the Committee re mental health services


To consider Mental Health issues in Tamworth


26 February 2020

Air Quality review



Together We’re Better / STP - brief update post close of initial consultation (end date of initial consultation  is 25 August 2019)


XXX March 2020

Tamworth Accessibility. 


2 April 2020

Safeguarding Update (Councillor Doyle to attend and Officers)


Xx June 2020

Safeguarding & Partnerships



Cervical cancer screening



Staffordshire Talent Match



Loneliness – Joint Working group with Corporate Scrutiny. Note that SCC considering Isolation.



Discharge to Assess and End of Life Care



GCSE Attainment – T&F group formed of Cllrs Ford, Faulkner, Brindley and Claymore


Invite representative from the following to attend a meeting:

  • Ambulance Service


Barriers to accessing GP Services in relation to residents with additional needs / Centralisation of some GP Services


Defer to 2020


Invite First Response to attend – (RK)




Upcoming Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Meetings

26 February 2020

XX March 2020 – additional meeting to be arranged

2 April 2020


Upcoming Relevant County Council Meetings



Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee


3 February 2020 at 10am

17 March 2020 at 10am