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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Gant


The Chair reported to the Committee that he had invited Councillor Faulkner to attend the Committee as a co-opted member.


RESOLVED that Councillor Faulkner be co-opted to the Committee pursuant to paragraph 15 of Schedule 5.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 105 KB


The Minutes of the previous Health and Wellbeing Committee held on the 12th June 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor Kingstone and seconded by Councillor Bishop)



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (personal and/or personal and prejudicial) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a personal interest or personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 




There were no Declarations of Interest.



Update from Chair

(Update from Chair on Working Groups and any other matters)


The Chair invited County Councillor Little to provide the Committee with an update on health related matters affecting the Tamworth area which had been recently considered by Staffordshire County Council.


County Councillor Little reported that the Burton – Derby hospital merger had been approved.  As part of the approval process full assurances in respect of maintenance of numbers of hospital beds within the region for 7-10 years were received and a clear budget line relating to the Peel Hospital was inserted. County Councillor Little reported that there would be continued monitoring of the future health economy in Staffordshire.


County Councillor Little explained that a series of meetings were taking place, Joint Accountability Sessions, which aimed to consider the process for reducing the debt of the Strategic Transformation Partnership whilst maintaining front line services.    The most recent Joint Accountability Session was held on 23 July 2018 in relation to the ambulance service.  It was reported that West Midlands Ambulance Service was the only ambulance service in the country to achieve outstanding in all but one of the Government’s standards.


County Councillor Little assured the Committee that he would continue to provide regular updates to this Committee.


It was reported that savings would be achieved in part by reducing the speed of expenditure within CCGs and by ensuring that health services were delivered from the most appropriate location. Additionally Staffordshire was working on a new Mental Health Strategy for the county which was expected to increase costs leading to difficult choices being required.


RESOLVED that County Councillor Little bring forward a report on mental health provision and the new county policy to the next meeting.


The Chair reminded the Committee that additional Councillors from the Council had the right to attend, and vote at, certain Staffordshire County Council meetings and details of such sessions were circulated by the Democratic Services office.


County Councillor Little left the meeting.


The Chair reported that a working group to consider loneliness / isolation was expected to meet later in the year.


RESOLVED under Procedure Rule 9.1.3 that the agenda item on Motor Neurone Disease be brought forward to item 10.


(Moved by Councillor Ford, seconded by Councillor Jay)



Motor Neurone Disease

(Discussion on recommending the adoption of the MNDA Charter)


Please see link to the Motor Neurone Disease Association website where the Charter and associated documentation can be found.



The Chair introduced to the meeting a representative from the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MDNA), an MDNA volunteer and members of a local family affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND).


He provided a presentation to the Committee on the MND Charter and how it could support residents affected by MND and how councils could improve the lives of those affected by MND by adopting and implementing the MND Charter.  The five principles of the MND Charter were considered by the Committee:

·         the right to an early diagnosis and information

·         the right to access quality care and treatments

·         the right to be treated as individuals and with dignity and respect

·         the right to maximise their quality of life

·         carers of people with MND have the right to be valued, respected, listened to and well-supported


A family in Tamworth, with a member who has been diagnosed with MND, attended the meeting and shared their personal experiences of the disease and their interactions with local authorities.  They highlighted the importance of staff at the Council who had an awareness and understanding of the progressive nature of the disease and the need for expeditious decisions.


The Committee sought further clarification from the Chair on any processes to expedite the decision making process for Disabled Facilities Grants to applicants affected by MND.


It was reported that if the Council adopted the MND Charter, the MNDA could work in partnership with the Council to raise awareness in respect of MND and also to provide training to staff.


RESOLVED that the guests be thanked for their time and for sharing their experiences with the Committee.


RESOLVED that the Committee recommend to the Council that the MND Charter be adopted by Tamworth Borough Council and be implemented expeditiously.


(Moved by Councillor M Oates, seconded by Councillor R Claymore and unanimously passed)


Councillor Roger left the meeting.



2018/19 Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 268 KB


The Forward Plan was discussed and no further items were identified for inclusion in the Committee Work Plan.



Support Teams / First Response

(Discussion item)


The Chair invited Councillor Kingstone to update the Committee on work undertaken to understand the challenges faced in schools to support young people and their families.


The Chair introduced a guest from a local secondary school who managed the provision of such support to share her experiences of how the services available had been eroded and the challenges faced to meet the needs required.


It was reported that the role provided by schools had evolved over time from support to the pupils only, to wider support to pupils and their families to look at the wider picture as to why pupils did not attend school.  The school’s support team’s experience showed that many families did not engage with organisations to which the families were sign-posted (such as local support teams or First Response) which often led to no action being taken and any safeguarding issues remaining unaddressed.


Councillor Kingstone highlighted that there appeared to be issues over consistency across provision as there was no clear agency controlling the provision, and there appeared to be increased fragmentation of services.  It was considered that it was important to be clear as to which body at county level was responsible for overseeing the safety of young people and their families.


It was noted that whilst education was not within the remit of the Council, there were broader safeguarding issues which this Committee could scrutinise.  It was considered that the First Response service provided by Staffordshire County Council could be invited to attend and provide a presentation to the Committee of the services available and the challenges faced.


RESOLVED that Councillor Kingstone bring a written proposal forward and invite First Response to attend a future meeting of this Committee.




2018/19 Health & Wellbeing Committee Work Plan pdf icon PDF 103 KB


The Committee considered the Work Plan and updated it as set out below:


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Work Plan

Work Plan 2018 - 2019



19th September

Housing Allocations Policy


Look at Tamworth Offer in relation to Ear Wax Removal (RB  to put together a proposal form)


Staffordshire mental health provision and Mental Health Policy update (AL to provide report)


Invite First Response to attend – date TBC (RK)

16th October

Midwifery Care (RF  to put together a proposal form)

22nd January

Blood Donations (RF  to put together a proposal form)


GP Provision (Sub Committee – MO, JF, AB, MG)

TBC – 6th March

Loneliness – Joint Working Group with Corporate Scrutiny (Sub Committee RB)

Regular updates

Burton and Derby Hospitals Merger Update




Upcoming Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Meetings

19th September, 16th October, 22nd January and 6th March,



Upcoming Relevant Accountability Sessions/County Council Meetings


Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee – 13 August, 17 September, 29 October, 3 December, 4 February, 19 March, 5 April