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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709616 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor R Pritchard and Councillor J Oates, Councillor D Maycock attended as a substitute.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


Resolved that Councillor B Price was appointed as Vice-Chair.


(Moved by Councillor C Dean and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)


Minutes of the Previous two Meetings pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To receive Minutes of the previous meeting on the 5th April 2023 and the meeting of the 23rd of March 2023

Additional documents:


The minutes of the previous two meetings held on 23rd March 2023 and 5th April 2023 were approved as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor B Price and seconded by Councillor D Maycock)



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (personal and/or personal and prejudicial) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a personal interest or personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 




There were no declarations of interest.


Update from the Chair


There were no updates from the Chair.


Responses to Reports of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Committee

Update on responses received to Reports of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Committee:



The Chair reported that the recommendations from the Committee Meeting on 23rd March around EV charging were taken to Cabinet on the 6th April.


It was resolved that Cabinet endorsed the recommendations from the report and the additional two recommendations from the Committee.


Consideration of Matters referred to the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Committee from Cabinet or Council

(Discussion item)




Dual Stream (Recycling Service) Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 88 KB

(To receive a quarterly update on the dual stream recycling service)

Additional documents:


Report of the General Manager to provide the Committee with an update on the dual stream recycling collections which were introduced in both Tamworth and Lichfield in May 2022.


The Chair welcomed the Portfolio Holder, Councillor T Jay, Operations Manager, Joint Waste Service, Steve Gee and Customer Relations and Performance Manager, Joint Waste Service, Victoria Woodhouse.


The Operations Manager introduced the report. It was noted that complaints which had previously increased had fallen dramatically and are back at what would be considered a normal level.


The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.    Whether the drop in the recycling rate could be due to a change in buying habits? It was reported that there was not any specific data around this but buying habits had changed as had suppliers; packaging is being reduced because of the EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) agenda, where producers will be asked to pay towards costs of recycling packaging they produce in the future. Total tonnage as dropped. 


2.    Whether there were any specific categories around Missed Collections?  It was reported that there was no data, but it appeared to largely come down to human error. It was highlighted that the Council has a collection rate of 99.99% made on time.


3.    Sustainability of the Blue bags? It was reported that a new blue bag had been sourced which is a tube design which should be more sustainable moving forward. It was confirmed that there is no roll out being carried out, but that the service hold approximately 7000 bags which will be available when bags need replacing, and also that residents are able to request an additional blue bag. It was reported that crews are not able to carry spare bags and they must be requested, but where a bag is lost on route this is reported by the crew and a new bag is automatically ordered.


4.    How was contamination managed in flat/multi occupancy accommodation and what work is being done with residents? It was reported that recycling produced was not the same quality from flats/multi-occupancy accommodation as single household residencies. Where there is contamination, it was the landlords responsibility to rectify this. Residents buy in, is considered key. It was stated that every resident would be getting a personally addressed letter. The Service has two recycling officers in the districts who were able to do resident meetings and had been engaging with landlords.


5.    It was acknowledged that the increase in the assisted service was a positive and that this should continue to be communicated as an option.  The Committee asked that officers made residents aware that this service is available.



6.    Clarification was sought regarding the ‘round’ review following the new housing developments in the borough.  Officers were asked  what impact was expected on collection times and costs? It was reported that there is finance in the Joint Waste Board reserves to fund additional collections from growth. It was explained that this is a stepped process as new  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Future High Street Fund Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 133 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


Report of the Leader of the Council to provide an update on the Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) programme of works.

The Chair introduced the Leader of the Council, Councillor P Turner, who introduced the Assistant Director, Regeneration and Growth, Anna Miller and Future High Streets Fund Project Officer, Communities, Planning and Partnerships, Alice Poulton.

The Future High Streets Fund Project Officer, Alice Poulton introduced the report noting that since the report was released, there had been a decision on the change in scope of the Middle Entry Project and they were ready to sign the Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA). It was also noted that the report stated that the refurbishment of the Tamworth Enterprise Centre (TEC) had been due to start in Autumn, but this is now expected to start in August.


The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.    Clarification around the removal of Street Furniture at The Peel Café as it was noted that these are well used during the summer? It was confirmed that  five benches and a large planter were being removed but that they are trying to leave moving them to as close to the work start date as possible.


2.    Whether any consideration had been given to Royal British Legion Parade which takes place through the Town Centre in November? It was reported that Officers had been liaising with Arts and Events team around events but this one had not been raised. Officers suggested that the route of the Parade may not be too affected, however they would raise it at the monthly delivery meeting attended by arts and events, the next meeting is next week.


3.    Confirmation that the College had funding in place for their building? It was confirmed by officers that the College had full funding in place and were hoping to open by the end of next year.


4.    Clarification around the scope of works now for Middle Entry and whether this had changed, and how this was being financed if not? It was reported that the project was continuing with the full scope of works and that a report was being submitted to Full Council in July asking for additional Capital Monies to attach to the project. It was reported that the initial requirement by Government was to spend Monies by end of March 2024 and Council was hoping to commit the money by then, but that delivery could go beyond this date.  Money committed to the project by Tamworth Borough Council would not be bound by the government timelines for spend. 



5.    It was questioned whether work on The Peel café and the Market Street properties on the other side of the road would be overlap and when cost estimates could be expected? Officers confirmed that they would be on site soon at the Peel Café whilst the work on the Market Street properties would be in 3 phases. Phase 1, making safe and watertight, Phase 2, drying out the properties and applying  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Forward Plan

(Discussion item – link to Forward Plan is attached)


Browse plans - Cabinet, 2023 :: Tamworth Borough Council


It was agreed that the Forward Plan can be taken away for review.


Working Group Updates

To receive updates from any Working Groups


The Chair advised the Committee that she would like the two Working Groups to continue and ask for new volunteers.


The Working Groups were agreed as:


Review of policy / engagement relating to migrant travelling community:


C Dean

R Claymore

L Woods


Facilities for HGV Drivers in Tamworth


B Price

T Clements

Co-opt S Daniels




Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee Work Plan pdf icon PDF 62 KB

(Update and discussion on the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Work Plan)


The Chair is awaiting a meeting with ELT to look at Council Plans.


It was requested that the EV Strategy item be bought forward from the November meeting that was previously agreed.


It was requested that Council Housing repairs are an issue, the Chair confirmed that there is an update coming to the Corporate Scrutiny meeting and it was agreed that they would review this item following the Corporate Scrutiny item.