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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors L Clarke, D Foster and R Kingstone  .


To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 137 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2024 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor L Wood and seconded by Councillor L Smith)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor made the following announcement:


I would like to thank everyone who spared their time to attend mayors Sunday.  It was a great day and appreciate the turn out.  Thank you for all who donated to the chosen charities and those unable to attend, but still donated. 


Question Time: pdf icon PDF 63 KB

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Ron Brown will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor Carol Dean, the following question:-


What level of reporting conformity does our Council maintain at Departmental level with standard methods in Industry and Commerce via Published Plans, Prioritised Goals, Measured Achievements and Assessed performance, in timely fashion at every stage?




Thank you for your question, Mr Brown


The council has a robust performance management framework in place which aims to ensure that the various elements of the council’s performance assurance and control are planned and occur in a coherent and consistent manner.


At the heart of the framework is the Corporate Plan which includes our vision and priorities which provide a focus for all the authority’s activities and services.  Integral to the success to deliver the corporate plan are service plans which identify the outputs, actions and performance indicators necessary to deliver services to the community. 


The Council uses a web-based performance management system; Pentana which strengthens the implementation of the performance management framework by enabling efficient monitoring of progress against corporate priorities. Pentana acts as a single repository for all performance information such as priorities, outcomes, objectives, performance indicators, risks and service plans.  This allows for improvement, efficiency and consistency in performance monitoring and reporting.


In terms of reporting performance each quarter, achievement of key indicators, progress against corporate plan actions and corporate projects the status of corporate risks and financial matters are reviewed by Corporate Management Team through the Quarterly Performance Report. This report is then presented to Corporate Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet on a quarterly basis who present their response to performance issues at meetings which are open to the public.  The report is made available on the Council’s website.

Assistant Directors and Heads of Service monitor progress against service plan actions and performance indicators.


Personal Development Reviews form the vital link between an individual and the achievement of service and corporate priorities, outcomes and objectives.  The annual process ensures that each employee has a clear understanding of how his or her role fits into the organisation as a whole and emphasises that they play an important part in ensuring that these objectives are met. 




My  main concern is the time it takes for all of this information to reach the public eye




We have a specific schedule we have to go through.  I think in all the work we do we try to make things as timely as possible but if there are any specific times when you think there as been an extraordinary amount of time for things to happen I would be interested to hear from you. 






Under Procedure Rule No 10, Ron Brown will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor Carol Dean, the following question:-


Does our Council Leader accept that Social Media and Texting is now the primary vehicle for extensive dialogue between its Residents, and thus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


To Confer the Title of Honorary Alderman

On Tuesday 9th July 2024 it was resolved that, pursuant to section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 this Council does hereby confer the Title of Honorary Alderman of the Borough upon Mr Daniel Cook and Mr Robert Pritchard in recognition of their eminent services to the Borough of Tamworth whilst they were a member of Tamworth Borough Council.



On Tuesday 9th July 2024 it was resolved that, pursuant to section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 this Council did hereby confer the Title of Honorary Alderman of the Borough upon Mr Daniel Cook and Mr Robert Pritchard in recognition of their eminent services to The Borough of Tamworth whilst they were members of Tamworth Borough Council.



Annual Report On The Treasury Management Service And Actual Prudential Indicators 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 416 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


Report of the Leader of the Council; the Annual Treasury report is a requirement of the Council’s reporting procedures. It covers the Treasury activity for 2023/24, and the actual Prudential Indicators for 2023/24. The report meets the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities. The Council is required to comply with both Codes in accordance with Regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003. It also provides an opportunity to review the approved Treasury Management Strategy for the current year and enables Members to consider and approve any issues identified that require amendment.



that Council




Approved the actual 2023/24 Prudential and Treasury Indicators within the report and shown at Appendix 1.




Note the Annual Treasury Management Report for 2023/24




(Moved by Councillor C Clarke and seconded by Councillor S Daniels)