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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor T Madge and Councillor M Thurgood


To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 112 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 24th February 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Announcement made by Councillor S Peaple with regards to the retirement of Councillor D Foster and Councillor J Jenkins:-


Dave Foster is not standing this time. He has served wonderfully and was a past Mayor. He has always given sound advice and has made many contributions and pays careful thought to everything. I would like to thank him for his service to the town.


Joan Jenkins was a past Mayor and has contributed marvellously to the Committees. She has contributed in a thoughtful manner and been very active within the party.


Councillor D Foster replied:-


Thank you for your kind words. I bid you a fond farewell. I have not been as active due to work priorities. Please continue to carry on the good work on both sides of the chamber. Maybe I will come back and join you one day! I wish you all the best for the future. Thank you.


Councillor J Jenkins replied:-


Thank you for having me. I took the place of Brian Beale through illness. I will be spending more time playing my cello and piano and spending time with my dogs. I will still be around Wilnecote.


Announcement made by Councillor D Cook with regards the retirement of Councillor C Cooke retiring:-


Chris Cooke is retiring. I would love to say I’ll miss him and the conversations around fluoridation. I would like to convey a mutual respect between us.

You were very good at resolving issues. Thank you for all your years of service.


Councillor C Cooke replied:-


I was not expecting another party member to comment but I do get on well with Councillor Cook. I have never been a past Mayor being Independent and this announcement may be a little premature. I have enjoyed my time at the Council and I am pleased that I have been recognised by Danny and his party. Best wishes to all members. Thank you


Announcement made by Councillor D Cook with regard to the Licensing Policy:-


The proposal to revise the Licensing Policy to extend the Cumulative Impact Area to Lichfield Street has been reviewed by the Police and there is no requirement to extend the Cumulative Impact Area.


Motion carried under rule 4.13 (c) to move Agenda item 9 to item 6


(Moved by Councillor P Standen and seconded by Councillor D Cook)




Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Alice Couchman will ask the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets, Councillor R Pritchard, the following question:-


“How much money had the Council saved by removing staff from the public toilets in the Castle Grounds?”


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


Thank you for your question, I do not have the information to hand thus a written response will be supplied.


Supplementary Question:-


“Given that the toilets in the Castle Grounds are now closed due to vandalism can you say that this cost of unstaffed toilets was worth the saving?”


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


I cannot agree this could have happened with staff in place.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor M Couchman will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“As you are aware a considerable number of healthy mature trees have been cut down in Hayle and Medway. Can you tell me what environmental works are to be undertaken to improve the eyesore that residents have to endure?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Councillor Couchman you will already know that the Head of Landlord Services along with Senior Managers from Street Scene met with yourself on the 6th February to discuss and agree a series of actions in relation to Belgrave.


Actions included, which are now completed included:-


  1. Overhanging trees in Hayle – Street Scene have confirmed that 9 Ash trees have been removed following community consultation


  1. Preventative tree works in Medway are planned for today (Tuesday 17th March) and involve removal - again as highlighted by the Councils arboriculturist following community concerns.


In addition as you are aware the planned/preventative tree maintenance programme for 2014/15 has already been communicated and completed.  For Belgrave this included the works identified above.


Supplementary Question:-


“I have been told by officers that there is no budget for any environmental works, would you not agree that there should have been a plan and this is just not good enough for the residents?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Over the last few years the Council has seen a marked increase in tree related requests from residents predominately within HRA estates throughout the Borough.


Many of these estates were built between the mid 1970’s through to the mid 1980’s with the associated landscaping undertaken following construction work. Unfortunately this included dense tree planting in many cases, inappropriate tree species such as Oak, Ash, Plane, Lime, Sycamore, Alder etc which now almost 40 years on are resulting in issues for both Council tenants and property owners.


Following felling, tree stumps remain which is not unusual and in this area has not posed any health and safety issues. In some areas the stumps will be ground out to prevent trip hazards but only where this is assessed as necessary.


Officers are currently reviewing, under the HRA planned environmental works,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61.



(Petition to be presented by the petition organiser Carol Dean)


A motion proposed by the Mayor and was seconded by Councillor D Cook under Rule 4.13 (n) to restrict the length of the speeches to three minutes as opposed to ten minutes under Rule 4.14.4 was approved


A motion proposed by Councillor P Standen and seconded by Councillor S Peaple under Rule 4.13 (n) to extend the time for debate on the petition to one hour as opposed to 15 minutes was defeated.


Petition presented by the petition organiser Carol Dean





Council notes receipt of the petition from Ms Dean and as the changes to toilet provision have taken place, that the Council writes to the petition organiser setting out all reasoning for the changes; and


Council notes that the Aldergate public toilets have moved less than 20 metres to the building next door and it is open longer hours.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)



Audit & Governance Annual Report pdf icon PDF 45 KB

(Report of the Chair of Audit & Governance Committee) (To Follow)



The Report of the Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee advising members on the action taken by the Audit and Governance Committee for the municipal year 2014/2015 was considered.



That the report be endorsed



(Moved by Councillor M Gant and seconded by Councillor M Couchman)





Scrutiny Chairs' Report pdf icon PDF 28 KB

(Report of the Chair of Aspire and Prosper Scrutiny Committee) (To Follow)


(Report of the Chair of Healthier and Safer Scrutiny Committee) (To Follow)


Additional documents:


The Annual Report of the Chair of Aspire and Prosper Scrutiny Committee were received.



That the contents of the report be endorsed



(Moved by Councillor T Clements and seconded by Councillor J Goodall)


The Annual Report of the Chair of Healthier and Safer Scrutiny Committee were received.



That the contents of the report be endorsed



(Moved by Councillor A James and seconded by Councillor C Cooke)



Review of Members' Allowances pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


The Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer to advise Council of the recommendations of the Members Independent Remuneration Panel who have recently undertaken a review of Members Allowances in accordance with regulations was considered.


A motion proposed by Councillor S Peaple and seconded by Councillor M Couchman to reduce all Special Responsibility Allowances by 50% (with the exception of the Mayor) was defeated.





the recommendations of the panel be endorsed subject to review in 4 years and;



a working group be set up to meet quarterly and report annually to Council on the operation of Members Allowances. To be Chaired by the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer and involve the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of the Council and Leader of all parties to discuss all matters.



2015 Pay Policy pdf icon PDF 27 KB

(Report of the Leader Of The Council)


Additional documents:


The Report of the Leader of the Council to approve the Council’s Pay Policy Statement was considered.





the pay policy be adopted and;



the Chief Executive’s pay be increased by 2% from 1st January 2015 in line with all other Chief Officer grades.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and Seconded by Councillor S Peaple)



Relocation of Polling Place for the TR4 and TR5 Polling Districts pdf icon PDF 31 KB

(Report of the Chief Executive)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Chief Executive to advise Members of the need to relocate the polling place for the TR4 and TR5 polling districts from Dosthill Primary School to Dosthill Boys Club as the preferred alternative location following appeal and subsequent review by Officers and the Electoral Commission was considered.





Council endorsed the Officer recommendation together with reasons for the said proposal to relocate the polling place from Dosthill Primary School to Dosthill Boys Club for the TR4 and TR5 polling districts, and;



agreed to publish such information as prescribed in compliance with legislation.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and Seconded by Councillor S Peaple)