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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Foster, G Hirons and J Jenkins.


To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 119 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 5th June 2014 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Announcement by the Mayor


“Whether it was the emotion of John leaving office or the excitement of me taking up office, the inauguration of my Cadet didn’t get the coverage that was planned. So, for the record, I would first of all like to place on record John’s appreciation of last years Army Cadet, Lance Corporal Shaun Whetton and then to welcome my Cadet for the ensuing year Matthew Feenan, Air Cadet. Matt is a local lad and attends Landau Forte Academy. I am looking forward to having Matt’s support over the coming year and hope that he gains both experience and enjoyment from the role.”


Announcement by the Leader of the Council


I would like to announce some changes to Committee membership. Councillor Claymore will be moving from Planning Committee onto Licensing Committee and Councillor Goodall will be moving from Licensing Committee onto Planning Committee.


Councillor Greatorex will be leaving Cabinet for a County post on Cabinet. All reports to Council or Cabinet that should be in the name of Portfolio Holder for Public Housing and Vulnerable People will now be in my name.


Announcement by the Leader of the Opposition


Councillor Jenkins will be replaced on Licensing Committee by Councillor Norchi.


Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr R Bilcliff asked the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


"Have you received any enquires by interested parties to run Tamworth Golf Course?"


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:


In March 2014 following the closure of the course the Cabinet considered 3 options: 1) Close the course, 2) Open it temporarily under TBC management and consider the long term options; 3) appoint an external management company on a lease to operate the course and consider the long term options.  As part of the consideration of Option 3 the Council spoke to many reputable external golf operators.  The responses indicated that given the situation at the course the Council would need to pay an external operator circa £100k pa for a short term lease agreement.  Cabinet therefore decided to operate the golf course ‘in-house’ for two years which offered a quicker and less costly option to re-open the course.  During the comprehensive process to review the future options for the course the Council again contacted a number of golf companies to inform the options appraisal.  The Council also received enquiries from a range of sources enquiring about future commercial opportunities at the course.  The majority of these were highly speculative eg one man who ran a pub in Fazely wanted to run the Golf Course.


During the options appraisal interest was shown by several reputable companies and their views were considered in the work undertaken by FMG Consultancy in the options appraisal.  Key issues arising were the requirement for capital investment and the potential of future risk to the Council’s revenue budget if the course still didn’t get going. These factors and the opportunity to meet other strategic needs led cabinet to the right decision to close the course and redevelop it for housing with parkland. This is the only option that supports the future needs of the town.  The Council has had a small number of enquiries post the decision to close but again these have been speculative and not supported by a business case.


Supplementary question:


The decision to close the Golf Course and Councillor Thurgood sent letters to residents this is not end of the Golf Course. What are the pre-requisites for an interested party to take control of the course?


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:


A business case would be a good start.




The person asking question 2 was absent so the question was not tabled although the Leader of the Council will send a written response.



Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen asked the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets, Councillor R Pritchard, the following question:-


"Could the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets please confirm what the income and usage were for council run car parks between 3  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Debate on Petition Against Closure of Our Golf Course

“Tamworth Borough Council have made the decision to close down our Golf Course in March 2015 and possibly build houses on the land.  We as the residents of Tamworth wish to oppose this as we should retain the Golf Course which allows adults and children affordable access to the sport and all the natural beauty of this green land.”


The petition was presented by Mr Lane in the absence of the petition organiser.


Councillor P Standen moved a Motion without notice under Rule 4.13n and proposed to suspend Rule 4.12.1 for the current item on the agenda so that a Motion could be placed before Council to allow the time for the debate by Councillors to extend beyond 15 minutes as set out in the recently adopted Petitions Policy. This was seconded by Councillor J Faulkner.

This was not carried.


There then followed a debate on the Petition against the Closure of Our Golf Course.


The following motion was approved following a name vote:




That this petition calls for no action



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


Named Vote





Councillor J Chesworth

Councillor S Claymore

Councillor T Clements

Councillor D Cook

Councillor S Doyle

Councillor M Gant

Councillor J Goodall

Councillor M Greatorex

Councillor A James

Councillor A Lunn

Councillor J Oates

Councillor M Oates

Councillor R Pritchard

Councillor E Rowe



Councillor M Clarke

Councillor C Cooke

Councillor M Couchman

Councillor J Faulkner

Councillor T Madge

Councillor M McDermid

Councillor K Norchi

Councillor S Peaple

Councillor T Peaple

Councillor P Seekings

Councillor P Standen

Councillor M Thurgood





Annual Report on the Treasury Management Service and Actual Prudential Indicators 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 258 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets and Cabinet)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets seeking approval for the Annual Report on the Treasury Management Service and Actual Prudential Indicators 2013/14 was considered.





The Actual 2013/14 Prudential Indicators within the report and shown at appendix 1 be approved, and;



The Treasury Management stewardship report for 2013/14 be accepted.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor D Cook)




Policy in Relation to Councillors for an Alleged Breach of the Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 29 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets seeking to update Council on The Localism Act 2011 and fundamental changes to the system of regulation of Standards of Conduct for Members was considered.



That :


the revised arrangements for dealing with complaints in relation to Members for an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct be adopted;



the publishing of the revised arrangements as operable forthwith for handling alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct in relation to Members be endorsed, and;



the adopted revised arrangements be submitted to the next Audit & Governance Committee meeting for discussion and endorsement.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)



The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Solicitor to the Council & Monitoring Officer, presented by Councillor R Pritchard, seeking to advise Council of the implications and updates required to the Constitution following the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 having come into force on 6 August 2014 was considered.



That the report and the changes to the Constitution be endorsed.


(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)