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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

Note: Click the link to view the meeting 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Bailey, P Turner and J Wade


To elect a Mayor


Councillor Moira Greatorex was elected as Mayor


(Moved by Councillor R Rogers and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)


A Vote of thanks was proposed to thank outgoing Mayor M Oates and the Mayoress Miriam Guest.


(Moved by Councillor Moira Greatorex and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)


The Outgoing Mayor, Michael Oates spoke the following words


Firstly, I would like to thank the Councillors and Tamworth Borough Council for voting me to be Mayor, I’ve met a lot of nice people and a lot of people have said so many nice things about the town.  I have welcomed the first Pride Festival in Tamworth and welcomed groups to the Town Hall and have raised over £2000 for the Mayors Charity.  Madam mayor enjoy your year if you enjoy if half as much as I have you will have a wonderful year.   




To elect a Deputy Mayor


Councillor D Cook  was elected as Deputy Mayor


(Moved by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor R Ford)




To elect the Leader of the Council


Councillor J Oates was elected Leader of the Council


 (Moved by J Harper and seconded by Councillor A Cooper)



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive the Minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To receive the minutes of the meetings held on:

·         8th March 2022; and

·         15th March 2022

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2022; and 15th March 2022

were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Leader of the Council Councillor J Oates made the following announcement. 


Thank you Madam Mayor I would like to welcome to the new Councillors Sarah Daniels, Samuel Smith, Paul Turner, and Janice Wadrup, look forward to working with you and this is where it starts.  All the work we have done on the door steps over the last few weeks its time to leave a lot of that at the door.  When it comes to committees particularly with Scrutiny the responsibility sits on your shoulders to challenge and to drive and push the Borough Council the same way it does everybody else in this room.  It’s going to be a tough learning curve and by September you are going to be frustrated and annoyed but by December you will be clear again and actually it all drops into place and I look forward to working with you all. 


I would also like to welcome back Richard Kingstone, a Councillor for eight years then a year off and back again.  I look forward to working with you Richard you always bought common sense into discussions and its odd that this is our first meeting back in the Town Hall after the pandemic and the last meeting we had in this room Richard stood and told us the whole world was about to change and we rushed through the agenda and went t the pub and two days later we weren’t allowed to go to the pub anymore.  So it’s an appropriate time that you are back for our first meeting at the Town Hall. 


I would also like to, play tribute to John Chesworth who did two terms of service to this council.  He was mayor and a Cabinet member prior to him finishing in May and he followed in his father who was also mayor and served this town a few years ago. 


Steve Pritchard decided it was time to hang up his gloves.  I’m not sure if the Labour group noticed that he was our political grenade thrower.  If we wanted the debate spicing up you only had to nudge Steve and he’d lob a grenade in and sit back and watch it all explode.  I will miss Steve on the council and wish him well in his retirement. 


Mr Michael Oates who is sate at the back he as done 4 terms on this council two terms then a break then and then another two terms.  He started standing for Council in the 1980’s and as stood in all of the then 8 out of 9 wards.  In fact I do recall him referring to councillors as low down the political hierarchy.  In 2002 he stood as a paper candidate and in 2003 he decided he was going to join me on the Council and stood in a bye-election when Derrek Jones resigned.  The reason I am spending so much time on my dad is not just because he’s my dad but actually we are standing on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Question Time: pdf icon PDF 13 KB

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Zoe Jarratt, of Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder finance, Risk & customer Services, Councillor Marie Bailey the following question: -


As well as getting £4,607,700 in non-discretionary funding for the energy rebate scheme, Tamworth Borough Council also received £133,050 in discretionary funding to help their most vulnerable residents.


Can you please tell me what progress has been made to date around the scheme to distribute this discretionary funding and when vulnerable residents will be able to apply?


Councillor Bailey provided the following written reply response


To date the focus has been on issuing the £150 energy rebate payments to council taxpayers in bands A – D under the provisions of the mandatory scheme.  In order to start administering payments from the discretionary fund, we are dependent on the scripts being developed by our software suppliers and made available for testing and implementation. Once these scripts are released which is expected to be June, it is the intention that the scheme will target those considered most vulnerable. However it should be noted that the scheme will need to be modelled within the available grant funding and then approved by Members.




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Ron Brown, of Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder Environment, Entertainment and Leisure  Councillor Rob Pritchard, the following question:-


How many vehicle-capable surfaced areas are there around Tamworth which are specifically subject to Borough Council maintenance?

Councillor Pritchard provided the following written response


The authority has over 1120 records of Council assets which could be accessed by cars.


These include all borough owned roads, carparks, pathways, sports pitches, drying areas, parking areas in Housing Revenue Account estates, shop frontages, industrial unit parking and service areas, other commercial property service area, local shopping centres parking and service areas, areas of public open space such as the Castle Grounds and local parks.





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Ron Brown, of Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder, Planning, Economy and Waste, Councillor Stephen Doyle, the following question: -


What proportion of a Ward's Electorate are required, by written petition, in order to oblige the Planning Department to reject a planning permission application in that Ward, regardless of all else?




There isn’t a number of signatories that would oblige the Planning department to reject a Planning application regardless of all the petitions that have been and are relevant to changing minds in Government and industry but do not have a formal role in the Planning process. The Planning process is governed by specific laws and procedures, these require the application to be determined in accordance with the policies of the Development Plan unless material consideration indicate otherwise.


So to determine a planning application based solely on the number of people either supporting or proposing an application would therefore be unlawful.  Although people are allowed to contribute towards the decision-making process  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Appointment of Cabinet and Allocation of Responsibilities

To receive the Membership of Cabinet for 2022/23 and the Allocation of Responsibilities (to be circulated at the meeting)


The Membership of Cabinet for 2022/23 was received and circulated as below:


Leaders Portfolio

Business Continuity

Emergency Planning


Organisational Development, inc HR & Payroll


Partnership Development

Corporate Assessments

WMCA Member

Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP's)


Lead for Climate change & Green Agenda

Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element


Town Centre Regeneration

Town Centre Master-planning


Portfolio Holder for Environment, Entertainment and Leisure – Cllr Robert Pritchard



Litter / Car parking enforcement

Street Scene / Tamworth in Bloom


Community Leisure / Sport

Public Toilets

Nature Reserves, Parks and Play

Entertainment - Assembly Rooms, Castle Operations, Outdoor events, Arts, Culture, Heritage experience, Street Markets

Sports Development

Tourism / Destination Tamworth

Town Centre Car Parks

HRA Green Spaces and Neighbourhoods

Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

Climate change & Green Agenda


Portfolio Holder for Finance, Risk and Customer Services – Cllr Marie Bailey


Property Management Investment

GF Repairs

Commercial Property Portfolio

Asset Management

Revenues & Benefits

Treasury Management



Audit & Governance

Corporate Risk Management

FHSF Finance and Risk – including seat on the FHSF board

Land Charges / Legal / RTB

Customer Services and insight

Information Mgt / GDPR / Ombudsman

Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

Climate change, green issues, ethical procurement


Portfolio Holder Planning, Economy and Waste collection – Cllr Stephen Doyle


Local Plan Development / Implementation

Development Control (Planning)

Building Control (Planning)

Conservation (planning)

Heritage Assets – Maintenance, upkeep, Refurbishments

Dry Recycling Disposal Contract

Waste Management

Joint Waste Board with LDC

Economic & Business Development

General Regeneration opportunity

Education / Educational Attainment

Career Skills and Training

Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for each element

Climate change & Green Agenda


Portfolio Holder for Town Centre, Evening economy, Voluntary Sector & Community Safety – Cllr Martin Summers


Town Centre Relationships  - work with Cllr Clements & business forums

Evening economy

Electric Vehicle Strategy and wider provision.

Voluntary Sector

Environmental Health (all disciples)

Licensing Policy

Corporate Health & Safety

Taxi Licensing

PCC Engagement

Community Safety

Corporate ASB Strategy


E.H. Enforcement

Community Wardens


Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible for  each element

Climate change & Green Agenda


Portfolio Holder for Homelessness Prevention and Social Housing – Cllr Alex Farrell


Chairman of Shadow Housing Committee

HRA Repairs standards / performance

HRA Business Planning

HRA Regeneration

Tenant Regulation / enforcement

HRA Community contribution

Homelessness Prevention

Private Rental Sector (including private sector enforcement)

HRA communal buildings

Social Landlord Providers

HRA Strategy

DFGs and DFAs

Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible foe each element

Climate change & Green Agenda


Portfolio Holder for Engagement, civic pride and pride in place – Cllr Tina Clements


Public Relations

Member Communications

Public Consultation

Citizens Panel

Democratic Services inc Member Development


Civic Pride

Pride in Place

Community pride (micro level)

New honours scheme


Reset & Recovery programme  - Cabinet members form the board & responsible foe each element

Climate change & Green Agenda





Appointment of Committees

To receive the Constitution and Membership of Committees for 2022/23 (to be circulated at the meeting)


Membership of Committees for 2022/23 is as follows






J Oates

R Pritchard

M Bailey

S Doyle

A Farrell

T Clements

M Summers


Appointments and Staffing Committee




J Oates (Chair)

S Doyle

R Pritchard

M Summers

J Wadrup


Audit and Governance Committee




P Turner (Chair)    

R Ford

D Cook                     

A Cooper

J Jones

S Daniels

P Thurgood



Planning Committee




R Ford (Chair)

A Cooper

D Box

R Claymore

S Daniels

S Goodall

J Harper

J Jones

D Maycock

R Rogers

S Smith

M Summers

J Wade


Licensing Committee




B Price (Chair)

T Clements

M Bailey

D Cook

C Cooke

S Doyle

M J Greatorex

R Kingstone

J Oates

S Smith

P Thurgood

J Wade

J Wadrup


Nominations & Grants




R Pritchard (Chair)

T Clements

M Bailey

M J Greatorex

J Harper

P Turner

Sheree Peaple



Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee




S Goodall (Chair)

R Ford

M Cook

A Cooper

S Daniels

J Harper

Sheree Peaple

B Price

P Turner



Corporate Scrutiny Committee




T Jay (Chair)

D Cook (Vice-Chair)

C Cooke

S Goodall

J Harper

J Jones

S Smith

J Wade

Sheree Peaple


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee




R Claymore (Chair)

D Maycock

M Cook

M J Greatorex

T Jay

R Kingstone

R Rogers

P Thurgood

J Wadrup


Homelessness Prevention & Social Housing Sub Committee


Alex Farrell

T Jay

B Price

P Turner

Sheree Peaple



Chief Officer Conduct Committee




R Claymore

M Cook

S Goodall

D Maycock                                       

Sheree Peaple                                           


Statutory Officer Conduct Committee




A Farrell

C Cooke

R Ford

B Price

D Box





Appointment of Committee Chairs

To receive details of the proposed Chairs (to be circulated at the meeting)



Appointments and Staffing Committee


Councillor J Oates


Audit and Governance Committee


Councillor Paul Taylor as Chair




Licensing Committee


Councillor B Price as Chair


Planning Committee


Councillor Richard Ford as Chair


Corporate Scrutiny Committee


Councillor T Jay as Chair



Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee


Councillor R Claymore as Chair



Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee


Councillor S Goodall as Chair


(Moved by Councillor A Cooper and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)



Appointment to Outside Bodies - 2022/23

To receive the updated Outside Bodies List 2022/23 (to be circulated at the meeting)





Citizens Advice Mid Mercia Management Committee

Councillor Daniel Cook

Councillor Thomas Jay

Councillor Daniel Maycock

Dorcas Management Committee

Councillor D Cook

(Substitute Councillor J Oates) 


Civil Emergency Committee

The Mayor – Councillor M Greatorex

Leader of the Council – Councillor J Oates

Leader of Opposition – Councillor Sheree Peaple


High Rise Social Club

Councillor B Price

Councillor P Thurgood


Local Government Association – General Assembly

Councillor J Oates

(Substitute Councillor R Pritchard)


St. Peters Church Management Committee



Councillor R Rogers

Councillor S Doyle

Councillor D Box


Staffordshire County Council Health & Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Councillor R Claymore


Staffordshire Planning Forum

Portfolio Councillor S Doyle

(Substitute Councillor J Oates)

Staffordshire Pension Fund Governance – Pensions Consultative Forum

(Staffordshire Pension Fund - Pensions consultative forum (

Portfolio Councillor M Bailey

Support Staffordshire

Councillor R Ford

Councillor M Summers

Councillor D Maycock


Tamworth Cornerstone Housing Association


Councillor Sheree Peaple

Councillor A Farrell


Tamworth Municipal Charities

The Mayor – Councillor M Greatorex

Deputy Mayor  - Councillor D Cook

Councillor - Tina Clements


Tamworth Strategic Partnership

Councillor J Oates

Tamworth Twinning Association

Councillor Rosey Claymore

Staffordshire Joint Waste Management Board


Councillor S Doyle




Councillor J Oates

(Substitute Councillor R Pritchard)


Sons of Rest

Councillor  John Harper



Friends of Wigginton Park

Councillor Andrew Cooper

Councillor Robert Pritchard


Building Control Shared Service Board


Portfolio Councillor S Doyle

Health & Safety Shared Service Board


Portfolio Councillor S Doyle

Waste Management Shared Service Board


Leader Councillor J Oates

Portfolio Councillor S Doyle

Tamworth Heritage Trust 

Councillor Sheree Peaple

Councillor John Harper


Destination Tamworth

Councillor M Summers

Substitute R Pritchard


Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Panel.

Councillor M Summers

Councillor T Clements

Rawlett Trust

Councillor Chris Cooke

West Midlands Combined Authority Board (WMCA)

Councillor J Oates

(Substitute Councillor R Pritchard)

West Midlands Combined Authority Scrutiny Panel (WMCA)


 Not required this year

West Midlands Combined Authority Audit Risk & Assurance Committee

 Not required this year

West Midlands Combined Authority – Housing & Land Delivery Board


Councillor J Oates

Corporate Parenting Panel (Staffordshire)

Councillor Rosey Claymore


Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership – Joint Scrutiny Membership

Councillor  Dan Maycock

Stoke –on-Trent & Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership

Councillor J Oates

Stoke –on-Trent & Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Scrutiny Panel

Councillor Jason Jones



The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information Regulations) 2012 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)



Report of the Leader of the Council that The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Regulations 2012 specify and require inter alia under Regulation 19 that the executive leader must submit a report on a regular basis to Council containing details of particulars of each urgent executive decision and a summary of the matters in respect of which the decision was made.



That Council



endorsed the Annual Executive Arrangements Report.



(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)



Annual Report of the Audit & Governance Committee - 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

(Report of the Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee)

Additional documents:


Annual Report of the Audit & Governance Committee - 2021/22 to present the proposed Annual Report of the Audit & Governance Committee 2021/22 for Council



That Council



Endorsed the Annual Report of the Audit Committee 2021/22



(Moved by Councillor T Clements and seconded by Councillor R Ford)



Annual Reports of the Scrutiny Committees - 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

(Report of the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees)

Additional documents:


The Chairs of Corporate Scrutiny, Infrastructure, Safety & Growth and Health & Wellbeing presented the Annual reports to Council to formally update Council on the activities of the Committees over the year 2021/22 which included,


           Chair’s overview

           Working Groups

           Recommendations made in the year to Cabinet

           Committee Terms of Reference

           Membership and Attendance

           Training & Effectiveness

           Work Plan

           Resource implications



RESOLVED  That Council


Endorsed the Annual Report of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee, the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Committee and the Health & Wellbeing Committee


(Moved on block by Councillor T Jay and seconded by Councillor S Goodall)




Calendar of Meetings - 2022/2023 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To receive the calendar of Council and Committee meetings for 2022/2023


The Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23 was received and circulated at the meeting


RESOLVED:   That Members


Accepted the Calendar of Meetings for 2022/23


(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)