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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Mayor's Cadet


 Jacob Waugh was inaugurated as the Mayor’s Cadet for 2019/20


To elect a Mayor


Councillor R Kingstone was elected as Mayor


(Moved by Councillor P Thurgood and seconded by Councillor T Clements)


Mayor Kingstone proposed a vote of Thanks to Councillor P Thurgood’ and Anne Thurgood outgoing Mayor and Mayoress for their work over the past year.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor Dr S Peaple)


To elect a Deputy Mayor


Councillor R Claymore was elected as Deputy Mayor


(Moved by Councillor R Kingstone and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)





To elect the Leader of the Council


Councillor D Cook was elected Leader of the Council


(Moved by Councillor R Ford and seconded by Councillor T Jay)



To receive the Minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To receive the Minutes of the Meetings held on:

·         12 March 2019 – State of Tamworth debate

·         19 March 2019

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 12th March 2019 and 19th March 2019 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple  and seconded by Councillor D Cook)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Mayor R Kingstone made the following announcement:-


“Thank you one and all for allowing me to be your mayor for the second time. And a big thank you to those members of the public who are present – we will have a little drink afterwards in the parlour. On a personal note I must admit that back in January I did not think I would be around today and if I were I would not be able to take on this honour you have bestowed upon me.


Over the last few months my return to near full health has only been possible due to the support of family and friends.


 I must make special mention of Sam, Charlotte, William and the little fella, Martin. But of of course I cannot forget the huge debt I owe to the wife, Lisa who has agreed to take on the role of Mayoress again and continue to be the rock that I need to keep me on track.


Peter and Anne, you have been a wonderful gentle team who have gone out and represented our town with grace and dignity. You will be missed by many and have left a lasting legacy through the great work you have done with T4Tamworth.


Josh – as Mayor’s cadet you have served our town well. And you have been and indeed are a credit to the Sea cadets, your family and more importantly yourself. I hope you have enjoyed your year. What most of you may not know is that I have known Josh for several years and I have had the pleasure of teaching him at Rawlett. Young people are some of the most honest, rewarding and inspiring people to have the pleasure to work with and I am grateful everyday for my job as a teacher.


Jacob – you have a hard act to follow. But again I have had the pleasure of knowing you for many years as you too are a student at Rawlett. Knowing you as I do you are going to be brilliant and your mum and dad are rightly proud of you.


Rawlett is an amazing place to work. As a past Rawlett student and teacher at Rawlett I know this only too well. It always make be proud that our students go on to achieve so much. Just out of interest put your hand in the the air if you either go to, work at, have a relative at or are an ex-Rawlett pupil.


Ok. Let’s get down to business. I can promise you tonight that despite the vote, I will be everyone’s mayor regardless of who you are and what you think of me. I am here to serve you and to promote our fine town, it’s people and it’s businesses.


All 30 Tamworth councillors are good, decent people who have a common aim to ensure that Tamworth is the very best it can possible be for everyone. Councillors may disagree on how this should be achieved  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen will ask the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Operational Services, Councillor John Chesworth, the following question:-


“In last December’s Council I asked the portfolio Holder for Culture and Operational Services a question regarding what plans the Council had to clean and maintain the Kettle Brook within Wilnecote. In response to this question the Cabinet Member kindly supplied me with a copy of the 2012 survey he mentioned in his verbal reply. However on reviewing the survey I was surprised to find that it did not cover the section of the Kettle brook within Wilnecote, and as yet I have yet to receive the promised feedback to my question specifically regarding the Wilnecote section of the Kettle brook. Can the Cabinet member please provide an answer to the question - What plans are being made to clean and maintain the Kettle Brook within Wilnecote?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply in place of Councillor J Chesworth:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor. In the absence of Councillor Chesworth, who is with her Majesty today at the Palace, he has asked me to assure Councillor Standen that he is happy to discuss the matter with him to reach a satisfactory conclusion for local residents”




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr. Simon Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“What progress has been made in identifying the beneficial interest of the former Youth Club / Trust in the ownership of the site currently occupied by the old court buildings and Tamworth Community Radio?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor.


In answer to the question – No progress at present, but this is not to say we are ignoring it. The work being-undertaken presently is understanding what a masterplan for the site may look like and using the data obtained during the work our consultants have been doing to understand what the site will support in terms of need and use.


Specific detail around lease interests will occur more in the marketing/delivery phase”




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor Dr. Simon Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:


“What approaches have been made to Staffordshire LEP regarding future relations with them?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


“Thank you again Mr Mayor.


Councillor Peaple is of course aware that we are full members of the Staffordshire LEP, and while we have always looked towards Birmingham with our functioning economic geography, we maintain good relationships with the SSLEP.


It is worth recalling that while our focus is the GBSLEP, Tamworth as a place is in the SSLEP due to the County Council’s membership of the SSLEP. Thus as a town Tamworth is in the SSLEP whether this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Appointment of Cabinet and Allocation of Responsibilities

To receive the Membership of Cabinet for 2019/2020 and the Allocation of Responsibilities (to be circulated at the meeting)


The Membership of Cabinet for 2019/20 was received and circulated as below;



Leader of the Council


Assets and Finance


Heritage and Growth

Cllr Daniel Cook


Cllr Rob Pritchard (Deputy leader)


Cllr Jeremy Oates











Business Continuity


Asset / Facilities Management


WMCA Member

Member Development


Commercial Property Portfolio


Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP's)

Corporate Assessments




Economic & Business Development

Budgetary Planning


GF Repairs


Education / Educational Attainment

Commercial Investment Stategy (CIS)


Property Management Investment


Career Skills and Training

Organisational Capacity/ Development


Town Centre Car Parks


Town Centre Regeneration

PR / Comms / Corporate Consultation




Town Centre Master-planning





Tourism / Destination Tamworth

Customer Insight


Revenues & Benefits


Heritage Conservation

Corporate Risk Management


Treasury Management


Heritage Promotion

Emergency Planning


Town Centre Markets


T.I.C. - Tourism

TSP (Tamworth Stategic Partnership)





Partnership Development


Audit & Governance










Democratic Services





Land Charges





T.I.C. - Operations













Regulatory and Community Safety


Culture and Operational Services


Housing Services and Communities

Cllr Stephen Doyle


Cllr John Chesworth


Cllr Michelle Cook











Local Plan Development


Waste Management


HRA Business Planning

Development Control (Planning)


Joint Waste Board with LDC.


HRA Neighbourhood Renewal

Building Control (Planning)


Street Scene / Tamworth in Bloom


Unified Community Offer

Environmental Health (Licencing)




Community Development

Licensing Policy


Arts / Culture


Landlord Services

Corporate ASB Strategy


Outdoor Events


HRA Repairs

Street Wardens


Community Leisure / Sport


Tenant Participation

Health & Safety


Nature Reserves


Housing Solutions



Parks and Play



Community Safety


I.C.T. Customer Services


HRA Caretaking & Cleaning



Information Management


Private Sector Housing

Civil Parking Enforcement


Public Toilet Provision


Strategic Housing

Local Health Engagement




Voluntary Sector

PCC Engagement








Appointment of Committees

To receive the Constitution and Membership of Committee for 2019/2020 (to be circulated at the meeting)


Membership of Committees for 2019/20 was agreed as follows:






D Cook Leader of the Council

R Pritchard Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance and Deputy Leader of the Council

M Cook Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Communities

S Doyle Portfolio Holder for Regulatoryand Community Safety

J Oates Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Growth.

J Chesworth Portfolio Holder for Culture and Operational Services



Appointments and Staffing Committee




D Cook

R Pritchard

M Cook

S Doyle

Dr S Peaple


Audit and Governance Committee




M Bailey

M Greatorex

M Oates

M Summers

P Thurgood

J Faulkner

C Cooke


Planning Committee




J Chesworth

J Oates

M Bailey

R Ford

S Goodall

M J Greatorex

M Greatorex

P Thurgood

T Jay

M Oates

S Peaple

P Standen

C Cooke


Licensing Committee




P Brindley

R Claymore

T Clements


MJ Greatorex

M Greatorex

T Jay

R Kingstone

B Price

R Rogers

M Summers

K Norchi

S Peaple

R Bilcliff


Nominations Committee




T Clements

A Farrell

R Kingstone

B Price

R Rogers

K Norchi

C Cooke


Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee




M Bailey

P Brindley

T Clements

A Farrell

S Goodall

M Greatorex

P Thurgood

Dr S Peaple

R Bilcliff


Corporate Scrutiny Committee




R Claymore

R Ford

S Goodall

T Jay

B Price

M Summers

Dr S Peaple

P Standen

R Bilcliff


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee




P Brindley

R Claymore

R Ford

MJ Greatorex

M Oates

R Rogers

J Faulkner

K Norchi

D Box


Chief Officer Conduct Committee




R Ford

T Jay

M Oates

M Summers

S Peaple



Statutory Officer Conduct Committee




A Farrell

S Goodall

R Kingstone

J Faulkner

D Box



In addition Councillor D Cook advised Council of the 3 Champions


Councillor B Price as Town Centre Champion

Councillor T Clements to continue as Dementia Champion

Councillor P Brindley as Heritage Champion


Appointment of Committee Chairs

To receive details of the proposed Chairs (to be circulated at the meeting)


Appointments and Staffing Committee


Councillor D Cook was nominated by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor S Doyle


Councillor D Cook was appointed Chair of Appointments and Staffing



Audit and Governance Committee


Councillor M Summers was nominated by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor P Thurgood


Councillor M Summers was appointed Chair of Audit and Governance.



Licensing Committee


Councillor B Price was nominated by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor P Brindley


Councillor B Price was appointed Chair of Licensing.



Planning Committee


Councillor P Thurgood was nominated by Councillor R Ford and seconded by Councillor S Doyle


Councillor P Thurgood was appointed Chair of Planning



Corporate Scrutiny Committee


Councillor T Jay was nominated by Councillor T Clements and seconded by Councillor M Summers.


Councillor T Jay was appointed Chair of Corporate Scrutiny.



Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee


Councillor R Ford was nominated by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor A Farrell.


Councillor R Ford was appointed Chair of Health and Wellbeiing



Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee


Councillor S Goodall was nominated by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor T Jay


Councillor S Goodall was appointed Chair of Infrastructure, Safety and Growth



Nominations Committee


Councillor T Clements was nominated by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor M Cook


Councillor T Clements was appointed Chair of Nominations.


The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) regulations 2012 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

(The Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Leader of the Council informed Members that The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Regulations 2012 specifies and requires inter alia under Regulation 19 that the Executive Leader must submit a report on a regular basis to Council containing details of particulars of each urgent Executive decision and a summary of the matters in respect of which the decision was made. 



That Members

Endorsed the Annual Executive Arrangements Report



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor Dr S Peaple)



Review of the Constitution & Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 67 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance and the Monitoring Officer – Appendix 1 – To Follow)

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Assets andFinance & Monitoring Officer ensures lawfulness and operational functionality of the Governance process of the Council, as required by the endorsement and approval of the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation as required by Local Government legislation



That Council



Approved and adopted the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation as presented in Appendix 1.




(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor P Standen)



Regulation of Members Conduct pdf icon PDF 50 KB

(Report of the Monitoring Officer)


The Chief Executive advised Members on the number of complaints received for the period 01 May 2018 until 30 April 2019 in relation to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct arising from implementation of Part 1 Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 which introduced provisions to assist with the regulation of standards of conduct for elected and co-opted Councillors



That Members

Endorsed the findings of the contents of the report.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)





Calendar of Meetings - 2019 / 2020 pdf icon PDF 625 KB

To receive the calendar of Council and Committee Meetings for 2019 / 2020 – To Follow


The Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20 was received and circulated at the meeting



That Members


Accepted the Calendar of Meetings for 2019/20 with the agreement to move the Joint Health and Wellbeing & IS&G Committee Meeting on the 11th June 2019.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard