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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, B79 7BZ. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - 01827 709265 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Bishop, Councillor R Ford and Councillor R Rogers


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 80 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2018 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor B Price and seconded by Councillor S Goodall)


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 




There were no Declarations of Interest.


Introduction of a Taxi Licensing Points scheme pdf icon PDF 89 KB

(Report of the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration to introduce a Taxi Licensing Points system for drivers and operators that breach conditions of the Taxi Licensing Policy





The Committee;



Considered the report and presented comments and possible amendments.


It was then agreed unanimously that they would like the report to be postponed to another meeting before it can be recommended to Cabinet




(Moved by Councillor S Peaple and seconded by Councillor S Goodall)








Taxi Licensing Policy - Amendment and Update pdf icon PDF 83 KB

(Report of the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration)


Additional documents:


The Report of the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration to advise members on updates and amendments to Tamworth Borough Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy 2017-2022 and to seek endorsement of the Policy prior to consideration by Cabinet at a future date






The Committee;



Endorsed the draft policy and subject to clarification on the points raised in the meeting it would then be recommended for approval by Cabinet at a date to be arranged.




(Moved by Councillor B Price and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)