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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Marmion House

Contact: Democratic Services  01827 709264

No. Item


Appointment of Chair


RESOLVED:         That Councillor M Gant be appointed as Chair.


(Moved by Councillor M Thurgood and seconded by Councillor K Gant)




Appointment of Vice-Chair


RESOLVED:         That Councillor M Thurgood be appointed as Vice-Chair.


(Moved by Councillor M Gant and seconded by Councillor K Gant)


Councillor M Thurgood left the meeting at 18:05.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Seekings


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2013 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor M Couchman and seconded by Councillor K Gant)



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 




All present noted their collective interests in the Constitution.


Proposed Changes to the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 30 KB

(Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer)


Appendices To Follow

Additional documents:


The report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer seeking Members comments on the proposed changes to the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation was considered.



That the report be passed to Council for approval with the following additional recommendations:



Audit and Governance Committee proposals with regard   to the Constitution review, 2013.


1.       Article 10 

 Under role and functions insert at paragraph (b) line 3 between the words “freewoman” and “of” -    “or honorary freedom”


2.      Articles 11 and 12

The Committee considered the insertion of Article 11 Area Committees and Forums and Article 12 Joint Arrangements to be worthwhile insertions.


3.      Part 4 Rules of Procedure

(i) Paragraph 4.2.18 add at the end of this paragraph the following:-

“The Leader and Leader of the Opposition in exceptional circumstances will inform the Council of any changes in the membership of Committees”


(ii) Paragraph 4.2.22 be deleted and re-inserted as follows:- 

“to include on the agenda any outstanding matters referred by Overview and Scrutiny and any referrals from committees or  sub committees until the matters are completed or resolved”


(iii) Paragraph 4.5.3 at the beginning of this paragraph and Paragraph 2.4.3 of Schedule 1 insert the following:-

  “the Leader of the party”


(iv) in the section QUESTIONS BY THE PUBLIC headed written answers  and at Paragraph 13.9 (e) of Schedule 4 add after “as soon as practicable after the meeting” the following:-

“but in any event before the next meeting”


4.      Schedule 4

(i) Paragraph 10.5 at the end add the following:-

“such matters to remain on the agenda until they are completed or resolved”

(ii) Paragraph 13.1 delete the word “other” so that it coincides with Paragraph 10 of the same Schedule.


5.      Job Descriptions for Members Roles

In all of the job descriptions with exception of that of Councillors replaced the heading “Skills required” with “Skills desired”.