Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Wadrup and B Price. . |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th November 2024 were approved as a correct record.
(Moved by Councillor M Couchman and seconded by Councillor M Summers)
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (personal and/or personal and prejudicial) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.
When Members are declaring a personal interest or personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest. Members should leave the room if they have a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest |
Chair's Update Minutes: There was no update |
Responses to Reports of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee Minutes: There were none. |
Consideration of Matters referred to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee from Cabinet / Council Minutes: There were none. |
Corporate Peer Challenge Report and Action Plan (Report of the Leader of the Council) Additional documents:
The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council, the Assistant Director, Policy & Performance and the Corporate Project Coordinator.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report confirming that the Council had received a comprehensive and complementary report. The report had been published to comply with the 31st January 2025 deadline and deadline of the 31st March to publish the final version of the action plan and the progress review from the LGA expected in September were highlighted.
The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:
Officer confirmed that the financial situation was highlighted, and a lot of work was going on to factor in the financial challenges, which is why they are not able to finalise the action plan until this process is completed.
Officers confirmed that there had been two changes in Chief Executive since 2013. The review was carried out under one Chief Executive, the Council then had to allow time to work through the development plan. Another review was planned but a number of factors, including the passing of the LGA Member supporting them, followed by a member of staff, as well as timing around political factors. However, the Council continued to engage with the LGA and when the previous Chief Executive announced their retirement the decision was taken for this happen. The
Chair highlighted that the current Chief Executive had raised the
Peer Review in
Officers confirmed that Member engagement was highlighted in terms of lack of take up of training and learning opportunities, in particular in relation to the Audit and Governance Committee and this something that the Council needed to get to the bottom of, to support Members to access learning meaningfully. There was also limited take up of opportunities for Members to join in during the three-day Peer challenge and that is something that we would want to see improving when they return in September. It was noted the majority of members attended the member briefing held recently to relay the findings from the report.
It was confirmed that this was picked up by Officers prior to the ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
Corporate Plan 2025 to 2030 (Report of the Leader of the Council)
Additional documents:
The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council, the Assistant Director, Policy & Performance and the Corporate Project Coordinator.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report and highlighted that they felt it was one of the most collaborative and extensive consultation exercises that the Council had undertaken.
The Officers provided the Committee with a presentation.
The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:
1) The Committee thanked officers for the presentation as it answers a lot of questions and it was noted that the document was smaller and more streamlined and that this was an improvement on the previous Corporate Plan document. 2) The thinking behind the tagline and whether this was set in stone as it did not capture the heritage of Tamworth? The Leader confirmed that the tagline needed to be succinct and memorable. 3) What the Councils heritage offer would be and how they are going to promote that and their buildings? The Leader confirmed that she was looking to move this on and that there were people coming to the town tomorrow (7th February) to look at its heritage, and that we need to be coordinated in our approach and get the right people together to discuss what is possible. Members commented that all heritage partners should be included and that this could improve tourism. 4) Concerns around the lack of engagement from residents in responding to the survey. Officers confirmed that whilst they had hoped for more responses, 1200 conversations had taken place and what could not be captured in a survey was the positivity and passion of the residents of the borough. 5) In reference to appendix C and the consultation responses within Place Shaping, how do we address the issue around people feeling safe. The Leader confirmed that based on community safety updates residents perceptions were different to what they hear from the police and that perhaps a piece of work needed doing to change those perceptions. The Committee commented that a recent update from the Inspector was very data driven but that this does not seem to match what they are hearing in terms of anti-social behaviour and that this may be due to the public not reporting crime as they do not think anything will be done, where as they should be encouraged do this and get a crime number for each incident. Members acknowledged that things had improved with the new area commands. 6) The Committee highlighted that the response to priority areas residents felt were missing from the survey, were the County Council’s responsibility. They referred to a recommendation that was made to Cabinet in the previous year around communicating what the Tamworth Borough Council was responsible for and what ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Quarter 3 2024-25 Performance Report (Report of the Leader of the Council)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Leader of the Council to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance for the third quarter of the 2024/25 financial year (October to December 2024). It reports the council’s position in relation to progress with strategic corporate plan projects and updates on the financial position, corporate risks, audits, information governance, compliments, comments, complaints and health & safety. Cabinet will consider the report on 6th March 2025.
The Executive Director, organisation, interim Executive director, Finance and the Leader of the Council attended for this report.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report and ran through the highlights adding that the county boundary review was now complete, and the local review was now underway.
The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:
1) At the last meeting the Committee commented that it would be concerned if the outturn variance rose again, and it had now risen to 0.971 million. Did they expect this to exceed a million and for planning purpose what we you assuming it will be? Officers confirmed that this was monitored on a monthly basis and that the figures could change as there may be additional grant money received and the potential for use of reserved and retained fund, so it is difficult to say. For planning purposes, they were working on this figure. 2) Whether an update had been provided on the recovery proposals for key items requested at the last meeting as well as whether there was any update on the piece of work being carried out around the assembly rooms? It was confirmed that commentary was provided at 3.2 around recovery of the key items and that a piece of work was being done around the Assembly Rooms and that this would be going to Cabinet and would be brought to the Committee first. 3) Clarification around the figure for stage one complaint responses which appear to have gotten worse? Officers confirmed that the figures were disappointing considering work that had been done in this area. A number of meetings had taken place, and a number of actions were underway and they were looking at ways to address this including additional resourcing and improvements to processes. 4) The Committee requested more detail in respect of housing around the number of evictions and hardship payments made.
Working Group Updates To provide an update on any working groups Minutes: There were no working groups. |
Forward Plan (Discussion item – link to the Forward Plan attached)
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the Local Government Reorgnisation and Devolution report has been added to the Forward plan for April and it has been suggested that this be considered by the committee first. The Committee agreed for this to be added to the work plan.
Corporate Scrutiny Committee Work Plan (Discussion Item – to review the Committees work plan) Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair confirmed that the next meeting was on the 18th March when they would consider the devolution paper.
The Chair asked that the Asset Management Strategy be added to the next meeting. A discussion was held on this as it was highlighted that the strategy was considered at Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny meeting in November as agreed by the Chairs and constitutionally the same report should only be considered at one meeting. Following the discussion, it was agreed that they would like to see the Asset Management Strategy Plans. The Chair agreed to complete a work planning proposal form and circulate this with sufficient time for this to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. |