51 Garden Waste Subscription Scheme PDF 496 KB
(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture)
The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture presented her report and added a new recommendation number 4 with the existing recommendation 4 becoming recommendation number 5. The Portfolio Holder moved all 5 recommendations of the report, which was seconded by Councillor D Cook. After a full debate and on a request for a recorded vote being demanded it was resolved that Members approved proposals to introduce a chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service from 1 January 2018.
That Members approved |
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the cessation of the current free garden waste collection service from 31st December 2017;
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the introduction of a chargeable (opt in) garden waste collection service from 1st January 2018. The annual charge will be £36 per bin;
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to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Assets and Environment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture the setting of the subscription rate for future years (in line with the Councils Fees and Charges Policy) and to take all steps necessary to implement the proposal, making any necessary minor amendments as identified during project implementation;
4 |
that authority be granted to the Corporate Director Growth, Assets and Environment in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture to have delegated authority to amend the charging regime, should it prove necessary during the detailed project work, to remove the two tier structure and replace with a single £36.00 charge per bin per year if this be agreed across the shared service, given there are no financial implications arising from this change due to the modelling being based upon the flat £36.00 level; and
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to finance all the project start-up costs using the funds held in the Joint Waste Service Reserve and fully reimburse the Reserve with the receipts from the subscription charge.
(Moved by Councillor J Goodall and seconded by Councillor D Cook) |
Councillor J Chesworth Councillor R Bilcliff Councillor C Cooke
Councillor S Claymore Councillor A Couchman Councillor K Norchi
Councillor T Clements Councillor J Faulkner
Councillor D Cook Councillor T Madge
Councillor S Doyle Councillor T Peaple
Councillor R Ford Councillor P Seekings
Councillor M Gant Councillor P Standen
Councillor J Goodall
Councillor S Goodall
Councillor M Greatorex
Councillor A James
Councillor R Kingstone
Councillor A Lunn
Councillor J Oates
Councillor R Pritchard
Councillor R Rogers
Councillor M Summers
Councillor M Thurgood
Councillor P Thurgood