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Issue - meetings

Amendment to Polling Station Scheme

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Council (Item 33)

33 Amendment to Polling Station Scheme pdf icon PDF 123 KB

(Report of the Chief Executive)

Additional documents:


The Solicitor to the Council on behalf of The Chief Executive informed Members of the need to relocate two polling stations for the Parliamentary Constituency that fall within the Borough of Tamworth.



That Members


endorsed the officer recommendations together with reasons for said proposals for the new locations as detailed below:


a)        CA3 Castle Ward – move from The Phillip Dix Centre to the Community Meeting Room at St John’s RC Church and;

b)        ME1 Mercian Ward – move from the Mercian Ward Community Centre to St Andrew’s Methodist Church Hall;



agreed for the publication of such information as prescribed in compliance with the legislation; and



agreed that where required appropriate recommendations be made for consideration by Cabinet in the Budget Setting Process 2017/18.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)