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Tamworth Borough Council Commissioning of Services and Tamworth Strategic Partnership Commissioning Prospectus Update

Meeting: 18/08/2016 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 Tamworth Borough Council Commissioning of Services and Tamworth Strategic Partnership Commissioning Prospectus Update pdf icon PDF 175 KB

(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Communities)


The Portfolio Holder for Communities seeking approval from Members to undertake a Tamworth Borough Council (TBC) commissioning exercise to provide a range of services for Tamworth residents and to award contracts following the tendering process and updated Members on the Tamworth Strategic Partnership (TSP) Locality Commissioning contracts which automatically cease on 31st March 2017.



That Members


authorised officers to commission a new financial wellbeing, debt and generalist advice service for Tamworth residents and delegates authority to the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Housing to agree the tender specification and to award the contract to the successful bidder,



authorised officers to waive financial regulations and issue a grant to Tamworth Samaritans to the value of £7,000 for the year April 2017 to March 2018



delegates authority to the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Housing to manage the contract and grant including any variations during the term of the contract and grant, and



delegates authority to the Director of Communities, Partnerships and Housing to manage the eleven locality commissioned contracts during their final year and notes the de-commissioning of these contracts and the work undertaken by the Council and partners to support service users and organisations through this process.



(Moved by Councillor S Doyle and seconded by Councillor M Thurgood)