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Issue - meetings

Tamworth Commercial Investment Strategy to promote growth and regeneration

Meeting: 16/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Tamworth Commercial Investment Strategy to Promote Growth and Regeneration pdf icon PDF 402 KB

(The Report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive)


The Report of the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive seeking members endorsement of proposals designed to align key strategic ambitions with corporate priorities in order to accelerate managed growth and regeneration supported by a commercial investment strategy with a view to developing opportunities for sustained income. Also seeking members endorsement of a Member led Governance Structure to oversee the parallel work programmes for commercial investmentand regeneration projects based upon agreed criteria focused upon value for money; return on investment; viability and sustainability and the endorsement of the preparatory work, assessment and research undertaken to date together with the costs associated with accessing specialist external advice.



That Members


endorsed the proposed programme of work designed to reflect the necessary commercial approach to accelerating managed growth and regeneration supported by an agreed commercial investment strategy;



endorsed the proposed member led Governance structure designed to provide executive direction, overview and leadership and to ensure the alignment between the primary outcomes:

Best use of assets and resources

Managed growth and regeneration

Sustainable income;



endorsed the work undertaken to date including the framework Commercial Investment Strategy; Initial Options Paper; draft ‘pipeline’ of approved regeneration projects; draft options for consideration;



retrospectively approved the waiving of Financial Regulations that were necessary to expedite access to specialist support, advice and knowledge in order to undertake the preparatory work;



endorse the use of specialist advisors in accordance with current policy, practice and guidance under the direction of the Project Board and that the Project Board be granted delegated powers to determine the priority status of projects; options and opportunities for regeneration and set the criteria for future investment; regeneration and growth;



receive quarterly progress reports covering all aspects of this programme including i) Project Updates, ii) Proposals for Investment; Options Appraisals etc; and



approved the release of £50k from the specific contingency budget for 2016/17 to support the Commercial Investment Strategy & Regeneration Programme.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)