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Issue - meetings

North Warwickshire BC Meaningful Gap Consultation

Meeting: 12/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 116)

116 North Warwickshire BC Meaningful Gap Consultation pdf icon PDF 35 KB


(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education)


Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education to consider the Councils proposed consultation response to North Warwickshire Borough Council on their “Meaningful Gap”





Tamworth Borough Council do not support the Assessment because:






it is likely to create uncertainty for Tamworth residents about the scale and location of future development in the area between Tamworth and Polesworth;



of the unclear purpose and assessment of the ‘meaningful gap’;



it is not clear whether a designation is proportionate or necessary in advance of allocating sites for development;



concerns about whether the Assessment is legally compliant and therefore the weight that can be attributed to it in decision making;


the lack of joint working or prior consultation on the Assessment in conflict with the signed Memorandum of Understanding and the Duty to Cooperate.



Cabinet agreed that the completed response sheet in is sent with this Cabinet paper as the Councils formal response to the consultation; and



Cabinet endorsed that Tamworth Borough Council continues to commit officer time and appropriate resources on collaborative working, including undertaking joint pieces of evidence, with North Warwickshire and Lichfield Councils on addressing meeting Tamworth’s needs and identifying the required infrastructure to mitigate its impact on Tamworth in line with the Duty to Cooperate and the signed Memorandum of Understanding.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor D Cook)