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Issue - meetings

Business Improvement District

Meeting: 23/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 Business Improvement District pdf icon PDF 48 KB

(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education)


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education seeking Members approval to progress a Business Improvement District for Tamworth Town Centre and Ventura Park was considered. 





Cabinet endorsed the allocation of £22,000 for undertaking a feasibility study into a Town Centre Business Improvement District initially from the town centre reserve budget PM1603X0156 and the Council commits officer time to support the development of the BID and associated conditions;



agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education and the Director of Communities, Planning and Partnerships will represent the Council on the Shadow Board and;



agreed that a further report be considered upon completion of the feasibility study where the Council will consider its ability to contribute to the next phase and the willingness of businesses to contribute or agree to cover the Councils costs should a BID ballot be successful.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)