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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Council (Item 62)


(Petition to be presented by the petition organiser Carol Dean)


A motion proposed by the Mayor and was seconded by Councillor D Cook under Rule 4.13 (n) to restrict the length of the speeches to three minutes as opposed to ten minutes under Rule 4.14.4 was approved


A motion proposed by Councillor P Standen and seconded by Councillor S Peaple under Rule 4.13 (n) to extend the time for debate on the petition to one hour as opposed to 15 minutes was defeated.


Petition presented by the petition organiser Carol Dean





Council notes receipt of the petition from Ms Dean and as the changes to toilet provision have taken place, that the Council writes to the petition organiser setting out all reasoning for the changes; and


Council notes that the Aldergate public toilets have moved less than 20 metres to the building next door and it is open longer hours.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)