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Issue - meetings

Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2015/16

Meeting: 16/12/2014 - Council (Item 43)

43 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

(Report of Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets to advise Members of the results and feedback from the recently undertaken consultation on the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme from 2015/16 and that the Scheme for working age customers for 2015/16 should include an uprating to Applicable Amounts was considered.


As a result of a named vote it was:





the recommendations as contained in the report be approved



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard  and seconded by Councillor D Cook)


Named Vote for Amendment


FOR                                        AGAINST                                    ABSTAIN


Councillor J Chesworth        Councillor M Clarke       Councillor C Cooke

Councillor S Claymore         Councillor M Couchman

Councillor T Clements          Councillor J Faulkner

Councillor D Cook                Councillor D Foster

Councillor S Doyle                Councillor G Hirons

Councillor M Gant                 Councillor J Jenkins

Councillor J Goodhall           Councillor T Madge 

Councillor M Greatorex        Councillor M McDermid

Councillor A James              Councillor K Norchi

Councillor R Kingstone         Councillor Dr S Peaple

Councillor A Lunn                  Councillor T Peaple

Councillor M Oates               Councillor P Seekings

Councillor R Pritchard          Councillor P Standen

Councillor E Rowe

Councillor M Thurgood


A motion was made to make the following amendments:


a)        That recommendation 4 be deleted and replaced with a new recommendation 4 with the inclusion of child maintenance.


(Moved by Councillor M Couchman and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)


This motion was not carried.

Meeting: 23/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 53)

53 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations & Assets advising Members of the results and feedback from the recently undertaken consultation and the financial implications of the 2013/14 scheme and to review the consultation feedback when considering potential changes to the scheme to be applied in the 2015/16 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme was considered.  Also to advise Members that The Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for Working Age Customers for 2015/16 should include an uprating to Applicable Amounts (to be applied for 2015/16). 






Cabinet considered the results of the public consultation on the

current scheme, carried out 15 July to 15 September 2014, and endorsed the proposed recommended change detailed below when the scheme is considered by Council on the 16th December 2014;



the base scheme (in place for 2013/14 & 2014/15) be endorsed;



Cabinet agreed that the scheme be reviewed and reported to Members prior to consultation for the development of the 2016/17 Scheme, and;



the exclusion of child maintenance as income be included as a specific item in the consultation for the 2016/17 scheme be endorsed.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor D Cook)