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Issue - meetings

Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031

Meeting: 19/06/2014 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education seeking to update Cabinet on the draft Local Plan consultation and updating Members on strategic planning matters with regards to the Duty to Co-operate was considered.



That Cabinet



delegated authority to the Director for Communities, Planning and Partnership and the Head of Planning & Regeneration in consultation with the Leader & Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education, to make amendments to the draft Local Plan and Sustainability Appraisal prior to Council approval for a pre-submission consultation process, and;



noted all of the comments received during consultation process and endorsed the proposed responses and approach to the matters raised. 



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore Seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)