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Issue - meetings

Off Street Cashless Parking and ANPR Trial

Meeting: 23/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 95)

95 Off Street Cashless Parking and ANPR Trial pdf icon PDF 36 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets seeking Members approval for the introduction of an 18 month no cost trail for a cashless parking and virtual permit system in all Council car parks, and a new Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) initiative parking trial was presented by the Director (Assets and Environment) for consideration.







The introduction of Cashless Parking for an 18 month trial period be approved, and;



The revised fee structures and charges necessary to accommodate the implementation of the above off street parking cashless parking be approved, and;



The updating to off-street car parking orders to accommodate cashless parking be approved, and;



Receipt and expenditure of a grant allocation of £50k to support ANPR trial on allocated car parks as detailed be approved.




(Moved by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor S Doyle)