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Issue - meetings

Welfare Benefit Reform Discretionary Payments

Meeting: 30/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Welfare Benefit Reform Discretionary Payments pdf icon PDF 44 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Public Housing and Vulnerable People and Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Vulnerable People and Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets updating Cabinet on the discretionary schemes provided by the Council to temporarily mitigate the impact of and support the transition for some vulnerable residents in implementing changes required by the Governments Welfare Benefit Reform programme was considered.







The implementation of the Discretionary Award for Council Tax Scheme be approved, and;



The Landlord Hardship Fund as a separate fund available to council tenants, for the commercial interests of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) be approved, and;



A Direction be sought from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on this basis.




(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor M Greatorex)