95 Quarter 2 2024-25 Performance Report PDF 75 KB
(Report of the Leader of the Council)
Additional documents:
Report of the Leader of the Council to provide the with an overview of Council performance for the second quarter of the 2024/25 financial year (July to September 2024). It reports the council’s position in relation to progress with strategic corporate plan projects and updates on the financial position, corporate risks, audits, information governance, compliments, comments, complaints and health & safety. Corporate Scrutiny Committee considered the report on 19th November 2024
During discussion the Portfolio Holder for Infrastructure, Heritage and Local Economy asked if it could be considered to include the introduction of Heritage into Tamworth Corporate Plan.
that Cabinet: |
Endorsed the contents of this report. |
(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by Councillor N Arkney) |
61 Quarter 2 2024-25 Performance Report PDF 75 KB
(Report of The Leader of the Council)
Additional documents:
The Leader of the Council introduced the report highlighting the following on the dashboard before inviting questions –
Ø Tamworth Castle had been awarded a Welcome Accolade
Ø The Council had been awarded the Silver Armed Forces Employer Recognition Award
Ø Beauchamp Park had been updated
Ø The animal licensing services had achieved the RSPCE Bronze award for animal welfare
The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:
1. The Committee were pleased to see funeral directors in Tamworth were compliant however would welcome a national register where they would to be regulated and licensed.
2. Page 26 - Clarification around how market traders and shopkeepers were being kept updated around the ongoing works around St Edithas Square.
It was confirmed by the Leader that signage had been due to go up today, but this has been delayed until tomorrow due to the snow. Officers were going out and speaking to traders and shopkeepers and it was hoped that the contractors would also be doing this. The Portfolio Holder and Members were also talking to them when in the town. The Leader was using their weekly piece in the Herald to highlight that the shops are open as usual.
3. Page 28 - In relation to unfavourable variances, when we are employing temporary/agency staff do we employ them directly or do with go through an agency which can increase costs?
It was confirmed that sometimes temporary staff were employed directly and sometimes through an agency, however the Council always try to negotiate the best deal and better exit payments if the person were taken on permanently. Where they can they do try and recruit themselves however for cleaners, specialised roles, bespoke pieces of work or where the roles are only for a certain amount of time they would look at the best avenue and value for money.
4. Page 28 –With regards to the unfavourable variance what specific strategies are we implementing to address these income shortfalls and overspending and how are we adjusting our financial plans to ensure we meet our year and targets while maintaining the quality of our services?
Officers confirmed that where budgets are overspent managers are being asked to look at compensatory savings or to try and mitigate the overspends. A piece of work is being undertaken around the Assembly Rooms to look at how more income could be generated, review the budget and ensure that targets are realistic. A meeting is scheduled with the accountant at Lichfield District ... view the full minutes text for item 61