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Update on Strategic Review of Leasehold Service Charges

Meeting: 10/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Update on Strategic Review of Leasehold Service Charges pdf icon PDF 158 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Planning).

Additional documents:



Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Planning/ Executive Director Communities to provide an update on the work done by Campbell Tickell in relation to Leasehold Service Charges and sets out a series of recommendations in relation to that report.


Councillor S Smith Chair of Corporate Scrutiny attended to notify Cabinet of the report and recommendations from this item that was discussed at Corporate Scrutiny on the 9th October 2024. 


Councillor Smith presented Cabinet with an amendment to Recommendation 4 and an additional recommendation as set out below:


Amendment to recommendation 4


Cabinet approve the process for remedial works based on the completed surveys and utilising the QLTA approach.  A detailed cost breakdown must be submitted to the next available Corporate Scrutiny Committee as a briefing note.  Both these costs and the final invoices require approval form the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness & Planning


(Moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Couchman)


Additional recommendation


Review & revise the payment plan criteria including the statement of means to ensure fairness and consistency.


(Moved by Councillor S Smith and seconded by Councillor M Summers)


Following a discussion Cabinet did not approve the recommendations from Corporate Scrutiny. 




That Cabinet



Cabinet notes the recommendations set out in the Campbell Tickell report at Appendix 1 and specifically endorses the recommendations from that report for implementation. Details on the specific recommendations contained within the report are set out in the Executive Summary. (see report at Appendix



endorses and reaffirms the recovery of sums related to Leasehold Service charge invoices in accordance with the Corporate Credit Policy (previously approved by Cabinet on 31st August 2023)



Cabinet approved the development of a service improvement plan that considers the timing and resources required to implement the recommendations set out at point 1 above. (see draft at Appendix 2)



Cabinet approved the commencement of remedial works in line with the surveys that have been completed, this would include commencement of consultations and the issuing of invoices upon completion.



Cabinet approves the use of Campbell Tickell to assist in the development of the Leaseholder Policy [recommendation (d) in Campbell Tickell report]



Cabinet approves the updated s20 notices produced by Campbell Tickell [recommendation (a) in Campbell Tickell report] (see Appendix 3)



Cabinet approves the responses to matters referred to Cabinet as set out in the table in the report; and



Cabinet approves taking a test case through the First Tier Tribunal to test assumptions in relation to component renewal. This will be subject to identifying one or more Leaseholders who are willing to participate in such a test case and is likely to take place once further engagement mechanisms are in place with Leaseholders.



(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by Councillor D Foster)


Meeting: 09/10/2024 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 7.)

7. Update on Strategic Review of Leasehold Service Charges pdf icon PDF 158 KB

(Committee to consider the Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Planning/Executive Director Communities, which is due to be presented at Cabinet on the 10th October 2024)

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