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Issue - meetings

Budget and Medium Term Financial Planning Process 2025/26

Meeting: 29/08/2024 - Cabinet (Item 38)

38 Budget and Medium Term Financial Planning Process 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council, sought agreement to the Proposed Budget and Medium Term Financial Planning Process for General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account for 2025/26.



that Cabinet:




Adopted the proposed process for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budget and Medium Term Financial Planning Process for 2025/26.




Agreed delegated authority is given to the Executive Director Finance in conjunction with the Leader to approve any amendments to the draft survey as attached at Appendix E before finalisation.




(Moved by Councillor N Arkney and seconded by Councillor S Daniels)