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Issue - meetings

0061/2024 Land off Moor Lane, Bolehall

Meeting: 05/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 5)

5 0061/2024 Land off Moor Lane, Bolehall pdf icon PDF 442 KB

(Report of the Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration)


Application no:





Installation of a stoned access track, manoeuvring area to front of agricultural building and timber restroom (retrospective), installation of solar panels to rear roof slope.




Land Off Moor Lane, Bolehall, Tamworth








Installation of a stoned access track, manoeuvring area to front of agricultural building and timber restroom (retrospective), installation of solar panels to rear roof slope.


Site Address

Land off Moor Lane, Bolehall, Tamworth


Ward Councillor C Dean spoke against the application


Ward Councillor S Daniels spoke against the application


Officers presented the item and responded to issues and questions raised. Members debated the item and 


A motion was moved that the application be refused with the 2 recommendations in the report and with an additional recommendation number 3. below.  



The proposed retention of the structure described as a timber restroom is unacceptable due to its

design which is (a) not in keeping with the design of the agricultural storage building (b) designed around the presence of a caravan which whilst it was still present on the 8th May 2024, the Applicant has stated will be removed and (c) is of poor design and materials that are harmful to the character and appearance of the site. The proposed retention of the timber restroom is therefore not in compliance with Policy EN5 Design of New Development of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031.



The access track by virtue of the materials used in construction are deemed to be inappropriate for the setting and out of character with the site as a whole and therefore not in accordance with Policy

EN5 Design of New Development of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031and;



Due to the lack of a landscape character assessment being undertaken to support of the application and the overall lack of contribution the access track provides to the enhancement, restoration or regeneration of the landscape affected, it is not in accordance with Policy EN1 of the Tamworth Local Plan 2006-2031 and paragraph 180 of the National Planning Policy Framework


(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor S Smith)