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Issue - meetings

0278/2023 Anker Valley Playing Pitches

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 15)

15 0278/2023 Anker Valley Playing Pitches pdf icon PDF 329 KB

(Report of the Assistant Director, Regeneration and Growth)



Application Reference:





Installation of a 3G synthetic pitch with sports lighting, perimeter fencing, storage container and access path



Site Address:

Anker Valley Recreation Grounds, Moor Lane, Amington, Tamworth Staffordshire B77 3AX








Installation of a 3G synthetic pitch with sports lighting, perimeter fencing, storage container and access path



Site Address

Anker Valley Recreation Grounds, Moor Lane, Amington, Tamworth Staffordshire B77 3AX






Planning Officers and Staffordshire County Council Highways, responded to the issues and questions raised.



Approval subject to conditions



A vote to approve was unanimous








The development shall commence within three years of the date of this permission.




Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).




The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in accordance with the application form,

drawings MCA-MUK-3013-09, MCA-MUK-3013-10 Rev B; MCA-MUK3013-02 Rev E and MCA-MUK3013-11 and the ‘Proposed Materials’ report by McArdle unless otherwise agreed in writing by

the Local Planning Authority.




Reason: For the avoidance of doubt




The development hereby permitted shall be operated only in accordance with the approved Noise Management Plan Rev A – 11/10/2023.




Reason: To mitigate, and reduce to a minimum, adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising from noise from new development to conform to policy EN5 Design of New Development of the Tamworth Borough Council Local Plan 2006-2031 and paragraphs 183-188 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.




The use of the 3G pitch and the lighting hereby permitted must only be used between 0800 and

2200 Monday to Friday and 0900 to 2200 Saturday, Sunday and Bank holidays.




Reason: To mitigate, and reduce to a minimum, adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising from noise from new development to conform to policy EN5 Design of New Development of the Tamworth Borough Council Local Plan 2006-2031 and paragraphs 183-188 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.




No whistle or other such audible device shall be used on or in association with the use of the Artificial Grass Pitch hereby approved outside the hours 0900 and 2100 hours Monday to Friday, 0900 and 1730 Saturdays and 0900 and 1600 Sundays and Bank Holidays.




Reason: To mitigate, and reduce to a minimum, adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising from noise from new development to conform to policy EN5 Design of New Development of the Tamworth Borough Council Local Plan 2006-2031 and paragraphs 183-188 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021.




The proposed fencing is to be maintained to the specifications detailed in document ‘DUO 8

SPORTS Double Wire Mesh Fencing System’ for the lifetime of the development. This includes the

use of Neoprene washers that must also be utilised in all bolt hole locations for panels. Any faults or

maintenance issues are to be reported to the Local Planning Authority within 14 days of the faults

being identified.




Reason: To mitigate, and reduce to a minimum, adverse impacts on health and quality of life arising

from noise from new development to conform to policy EN5 Design of New Development of the

Tamworth Borough Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15