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Issue - meetings

Social Housing Regulatory Programme

Meeting: 26/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 66)

66 Social Housing Regulatory Programme pdf icon PDF 186 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning)


Additional documents:


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning. Updated Cabinet on the comprehensive preparations for the Council’s compliance with the Social Housing (regulation) Act 2023. Specifically, the; Programme Launch and associated Project(s) management infrastructure, Terms of Reference and assurance sought via the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Board ,collection of required Tenant Satisfaction Measures in readiness for submission to the Regulator Social Housing by April 2024 and  procurement of external resources to collate and prepare for submission by April 2024, required tenant perception measures and associated improvement planning.



That Cabinet




Approved the Social Housing Programme detailed in Annex one. Detailing the Programme Highlight Summary, Eight (8) associated Projects and internal work-shop presentation held 04/10/23




Approved the Terms of Reference for the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Board, agreed on the 060923 with Portfolio Holder Housing & Planning in consultation with the Labour & independent Leaders / members and the Tenant Consultative Group




Endorsed the current Performance set out in the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, shown at annex four. And note the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Board will receive these Tenant Satisfaction Measures at each meeting to ensure observations are referred to the relevant Scrutiny Committee(s) for recommendations to Cabinet where performance assurances are sought




Endorsed the Specification to procure specialist resource to undertake, compile and report on the required Tenant Perception Measures, forming part of the Tenant Satisfaction measures required for the Regulator of Social Housing by April 2024.




Endorsed a 3 monthly review of the programme by the Executive Leadership Team with specific regard to both the work plans and resourcing requirements.




(Moved by Councillor S Smith and seconded by Councillor P Thompson)