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Issue - meetings

Quarter Four 2022/23 Performance Report

Meeting: 29/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Quarter Four 2022/23 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 64 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance, risk and financial health-check towards achieving the strategic projects detailed within the Corporate Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy.  The information contained within the report covers performance for the final quarter of the financial year (January to March 2023).  Corporate Scrutiny considered the report on 20th June 2023. 


Members asked for the following updates within the Quarter Four report:


Layout of document, page 23/15 - current risk matrix calculation – requested additional numbers around this on a separate page for better visualisation.


From page 25/17 - target dates required.


Page 26/18 – Risk control measure status - arrow to right but nothing to identity what this means (key on page 21/13 represents something different).


Warning statuses – would like to see action plans built in as well against those items deemed as issues - either as an appendix or notes to a further action plan (as with the corporate risk on the original matrix). 





That Cabinet


endorsed the contents of the report and;



Approved for each of the projects detailed with the capital outturn section of the Financial Health check report (Appx 1), the re-profiling of the budget into the authority’s Capital Programme for 2023/24 (total £29.154m)



(Moved by Councillor T Jay and seconded by Councillor A Cooper)




Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Quarter Four 2022/23 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 64 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council on the Quarter Four 2022/23 Performance Report to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance, risk and financial health-check towards achieving the strategic projects detailed within the Corporate Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy.  The information contained within the report covered performance for the final quarter of the financial year (January to March 2023).  Cabinet will consider the report on 29th June 2023.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report


The Committee sought clarification in the following areas;


·         Marmion House – any further update after being unsuccessful with the Levelling Up Funding.  It was confirmed that the council is still looking to dispose of Marmion house.  Work taking place around the Mast on the roof, with more details to follow later in the year. 

·         Update on garage sites – work still ongoing but on track to come back to committee.  Planning issues now resolved.

·         Completion of Boundary Review. - TBC is expecting the Local Government Boundary Commission to make contact anytime from September onward regarding the electoral review of the Borough

·         Is there a reason that Universal Credit claims have gone down for Private sector but up for council tenants. -

Graph 1 is total claimants in Tamworth (that’s all people. This is stats provided by the Job Centre e.g. Council Tenants, owner occupiers, non-dependants living in households of which they are not responsible for the bill and private tenants).

Graph 2 as we know is Council Tenants

We don’t have individual figures for Private Tenants

·         Is there a reason for the drop in Housing Discretionary Payments -  This is a reflection of the reduction in DHP grant paid by the Government - £138k received in 2021/22 and £98k received in 2022/23




That Corporate Scrutiny Committee endorsed the contents of the report.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor D Maycock)