22 Landlord Services - End of Year Performance Report 2011/12 PDF 241 KB
(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing)
Additional documents:
The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing setting out the arrangements in place to meet the requirements of The Landlord Regulatory Frameworkas revised under the Localism Act 2011 placing a greater emphasis on local control and a requirement for Tenants to influence, shape and scrutinise services was considered.
That: |
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Cabinet endorsed the key achievements of the Council’s Landlord Service during 2011/12; |
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Cabinet agreed that an Annual Report be produced in accordance with the Landlord Co-regulatory Framework, established under the Localism Act 2011, and; |
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Cabinet delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Housing to agree the final publication following an independent and free assessment by the tenant advisory service. |
(Moved by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard) |