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Issue - meetings

To consider the following motion, notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 4.12.1 by Councillors Robert Pritchard, Chris Cooke, Paul Turner, Thomas Jay, Samuel Smith and Simon Goddall

Meeting: 28/02/2023 - Council (Item 68)

68 To consider the following motion, notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 4.12.1 by Councillors Robert Pritchard, Chris Cooke, Paul Turner, Thomas Jay, Samuel Smith and Simon Goodall pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Improving water quality within rivers in Tamworth


The full motion is set out in the attached document.






To consider the following motion, notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 4.12.1, by Councillors Robert Pritchard, Chris Cooke, Paul Turner,  Thomas Jay, Samuel Smith and Simon Goodall:


According to a map produced by The Rivers Trust using the latest available public data, there has been hundreds of hours of raw sewage discharge in Tamworth during 2021.


These discharges are across multiple sites in the borough, and we are sure that residents will be shocked to fund raw sewage is being dumped in local rivers in the 21st century. Residents should have access to clean rivers and open water and we very much support the steps the government is taking towards a ‘polluter pays’ principle when it comes to tackling river pollution.



That Council



Agreed to call on Severn Trent Water to undertake urgent action to prevent further raw sewage discharge into our local rivers in the short, medium and long term.



ask scrutiny to look into this matter and engage with local partners, environmental bodies and utility providers to develop a broader approach to improving water quality in rivers in Tamworth; and



support the Government’s new initiative to use money from fines for water pollution to benefit the nature environment and call for some of this to be used to improve Tamworth's environment.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook  and seconded by M Cook)




Meeting: 28/02/2023 - Council (Item 69)

69 To consider the following motion, notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 4.12.1 by Councillors Martin Summers, Paul Turner, Chris Cooke, Alex Farrell and Simon Goodall pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Tackling loneliness and isolation within Tamworth


The full motion is set out in the attached document.


To consider the following motion, notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule No. 4.12.1, by Councillors Martin Summers, Paul Turner, Chris Cooke, Alex Farrell and Simon Goodall:


Loneliness and isolation are a serious public health issues that deserve more attention.


Residents can find themselves isolated for a number of reasons, leaving individuals at risk of suffering from health issues, mental health problems or other urgent needs without much needed help. We recognise that this is a particular risk to the elderly and disabled.


This is an issue that must be tackled at a local, as well as national level.


Following a discussion Cllr Summers moved the following amendment to the motion (that includes after the words this motion, add in) recognises the sterling work done by our charity, voluntary and third sector organisations and the excellent work done by Council Officers 




That Council



recognises the sterling work done by our charity, voluntary and third sector organisations and the excellent work done by Council Officers and further improve information and advice on existing services and activities that reduce loneliness and isolation.



Agreed to work with local partners to launch a campaign to raise awareness of the health effects of loneliness and isolation amongst target risk groups.



Support our voluntary and community sector partners to take active interest and role in ensuring the public health problem of social isolation in in Tamworth is recognised.



Task scrutiny to look at the issue of social isolation



Work to ensure addressing loneliness and isolation is reflected in relevant strategy of the authority.





(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)