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Staffordshire Sustainability Board Update

Meeting: 06/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 137)

137 Staffordshire Sustainability Board Update pdf icon PDF 290 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy & Waste)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy and Waste to ask Cabinet to adopt the joint Staffordshire Sustainability Board Communications Plan 2023 which has been developed with the Staffordshire Sustainability Board in conjunction with all district and borough councils to help residents to reduce their carbon emissions and also  to adopt the Staffordshire County Council Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy which has been developed in conjunction with all district and borough councils to help residents to transition to electric vehicles.



That Cabinet



Agreed to adopt the Staffordshire Sustainability Board joint communications plan (attached as Appendix 1 to the report), which sets out the 12-month programme of climate change awareness-raising and behaviour change activity,



Agreed to adopt the Staffordshire County Council Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy;



Endorsed that the Borough Council commissions a borough-wide bespoke strategy to provide a framework for making decisions around EV charging in Tamworth, is endorsed;



Endorsed the EV Charging update on the installation of 4 fast charging points;



Agreed to receive the Tamworth Borough Council EV Charging Strategy in its draft form before the end of 2023; and



Agreed that the Installation of Charging Points within Tamworth is treated as a Cabinet Priority moving forward.



(Moved by Councillor S Doyle and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


Meeting: 23/03/2023 - Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 96)

96 Staffordshire Sustainability Board Update pdf icon PDF 287 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy and Waste)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Skills, Planning, Economy & Waste on the Staffordshire Sustainability Board update to adopt:

1.    the Joint Staffordshire Sustainability Board Communications Plan 2023 which had been developed with the Staffordshire Sustainability Board in conjunction with all district and borough councils to help residents to reduce their carbon emissions; and

2.    the Staffordshire County Council Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy which had been developed in conjunction with all district and borough councils to help residents to transition to electric vehicles.


The Assistant Director further reported that the report covered the proposed adoption of the above two Staffordshire wide strategies as well as a proposal to adopt a borough strategy for EV Charging and to provide an update on progress made in relation to the installation of EV Charging points in two brough car parks.


Following this Committee’s consideration, the Report and its recommendations would be presented to Cabinet on 6th April 2023.


The Committee sought and received clarifications in the following areas:


·         the Chair reported that over the last 5 years recommendations to Cabinet from this Committee had been made and that whilst work to attract the installation of EV Charging Points in the Borough had been progressed to date no EV charging facilities had been delivered, which in part reflected the complexities of the system being operated within and the importance of ensuring any new strategy delivered.  

·         the Committee sought assurances that there would be action on EV Charging, where the Assistant Director reported that with the adopted of the Staffordshire Strategy could open up funding streams, which had been the case in Warwickshire following their adoption of a strategy.  However, it was reported that the Staffordshire strategy did place the onus on the districts and boroughs to do the delivery, even though not the highway’s authority.  The Staffordshire Strategy model would therefore need to assist boroughs and districts in accessing government funding streams to facilitate this.

·         The importance of there being EV Charging points in the town centre, to ensure that the town centre did not miss out. The importance of the council talking to the electricity network companies was also reported.

·         The importance of the Local Plan in this area, which was under review, and where climate change was likely to be central to that work.

·         The value of a bespoke strategy for Tamworth which could facilitate the delivery at pace of solutions once funding was available.  The Committee supported the importance of this strategy being developed quickly to facilitate progress in this area.

·         The Committee discussed the strategy to pursue a no cost solution to the council for EV charging on two borough car parks which was entered into with a sole supplier and where limited progress had been made.  It was reported that the supplier’s solution had moved from the delivery of facilities across 2 council owned car parks to one larger charging facility at the Riverdrive car park.   It was reported that a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 96