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Issue - meetings

Future High Streets Fund Quarterly Update

Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 51)

51 Future High Streets Fund Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


Report of the Leader of the Council to update on the progress of the Future High Streets Fund programme.



That Cabinet



Endorsed the Report



(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor S Doyle)




Meeting: 26/09/2022 - Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee (Item 47)

47 Future High Streets Fund Quarterly Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Leader introduced the Future High Streets Fund Project Officer who provided an overview of the report which updated the Committee on the progress of the Future High Streets Fund programme.


Councillor Sheree Peaple declared a non-pecuniary interest, as a Director of Tamworth Co-operative Ltd.


The Committee commented and sought clarifications in the following areas:

1.    To understand how the team was seeking to continue to deliver the project within budget. It was reported that they would carefully scrutinise designs and if there were opportunities, through the iterative design process, to design aspects differently which could reduce costs, for instance in terms of internal layouts, whilst not impacting the overall scheme deliverables, these would be pursued.

2.    The Committee sought further reassurance and further oversight.  The Assistant Director reported that the Programme Board had the whole oversight of the project and that Board met monthly and received detailed dashboards through which all designs and cost decisions were considered.

3.    The Committee sought clarification on activities which were running concurrently and whether that affected the budget or funding from Government, if we were not ready by 2024. The Leader reported that the project remained on target to deliver the relevant aspects funded by the Government on schedule noting that work in the town centre would continue beyond 2024 which was not funded by Government but funded by the Council. The Assistant Director further reported that it was now that the project was in RIBA stage 3 that detailed costings were becoming clearer.

4.    The timeline for works in Middle Entry and the demolition to start and how this would affect the businesses in Middle Entry.  It was reported that some of the assets remained in the ownership of Peer Group and that some aspects were in the Council’s ownership and it was therefore possible that works would be undertaken at different times.  However, the logistics had not yet been detailed in this area, but the aim would be to minimise the impact on local businesses.

5.    The retention of the heritage parts of the Co-operative building, where it was confirmed that the heritage features were to be retained and it was hoped that additional features would be revealed through the works.


RESOLVED that the report be endorsed.


(Moved by Councillor S Goodall and seconded by Councillor P Turner)


The Committee thanked the Leader and Officers for their attendance who then left the meeting.