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Quarter two 2022/23 performance report

Meeting: 01/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 80)

80 Quarter two 2022/23 performance report pdf icon PDF 59 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council to provide Cabinet with an overview of Council performance, risk and financial health-check towards achieving the strategic projects detailed within the Corporate Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy.  The information contained within the report covers performance for the second quarter of the financial year (July to September 2022).  Corporate Scrutiny considered the report on 17th November 2022. 



That Cabinet



endorsed the contents of the report.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor A Farrell)


Meeting: 17/11/2022 - Corporate Scrutiny Committee (Item 49)

49 Quarter two 2022/23 performance report pdf icon PDF 59 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


Report of the Leader of the Council to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance update, risk and financial health-check towards achieving the strategic priorities detailed within the Corporate Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy.  The information contained within the report covered performance for the second quarter of the financial year i.e., July to September 2022.  Cabinet would consider the report on 1 December 2022.


Councillor S Peaple joined the meeting at 6.08pm.


The Leader introduced the Report and highlighted to the Committee that:

1.    There had been some changes to the format and structure of the report, which was in 10 sections.

2.    Recovery and Reset Programme updates provided. The Leader reported that given the opportunities available through the Government announcement of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF), the programme had been paused in part whilst the outcome of the Levelling Up Fund bids which had been approved by Council were awaited.  The Government’s decision on this had been delayed until December 2022. However, decisions on the rationalisation of Marmion House had been taken by Cabinet to limit occupation to the ground floor.

3.    Corporation Street (Gateway project) was reported as amber as a full review of the project was required.

4.    In terms of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the monitoring of that the report showed the updated forecast at October 2022, which in the General Fund had improved from the position forecast in February 2022, however the Leader highlighted that these figures did not include any policy proposals under discussion nor any projected energy cost increases.


The Committee commented and sought clarifications in the following areas:

1.    Whether current rent arrears as a proportion of expected rent were increasing, where it was reported that these were increasing at a higher rate and the Council was working to mitigate that.

2.    What the average rent arrears were where it was reported that these were between 5 to 8 weeks of rent.  The Assistant Director highlighted the importance of any tenants discussing with the Council any issues over payment of rent, so that early intervention and support and signposting to partnership agencies could be provided.

3.    Whether any consideration had been given to moving the front desk facilities from the Assembly Rooms to Marmion House given the consolidation into the Ground Floor of Marmion House.  The Leader reported that private one-2-one appointments were still available to be booked.  The Assistant Director, People reported that the number of visits to the Assembly Rooms had been monitored over the last 12 months and the nature of the enquiries raised.  These showed on average 24 visits per month focussed mainly on council tax queries and the team at the Assembly Rooms had dealt with or sign posted the enquiries.  In comparison, prior to COVID, the front desk at Marmion House had received around 50,000 visits per year.  The Assistant Director, People reported that to re-open a front desk at Marmion House would require more staff which would have a significant cost  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49